I stumbled on something by accident earlier today. Not sure if it's useful to anyone or how this quirk might be exploited, but anyway - I fired up my new map in a custom game of CTF just to run around on it with a friend, and then noticed that my respawn zone objects were floating in mid-air. I was confused and thought I was still in forge, but no. It took me a bit to figure out what I'd done: I had accidentally tagged the first zone I placed as "CTF FLAG RETURN" instead of just "CTF" like I usually do, then I cloned all the other zones from that first one. However, the flag did not spawn on them - I had flag stands set up and properly tagged, and the flags spawned there. So basically they just looked like respawn zones, but in a custom game. Untested theories: - You might be able to do this with any forge object (hills, respawn points, cameras, kill and safe zones) to similar effect - If so, you might be able to pull off some interesting aesthetics this way, or make an aesthetic map that previously was only possible when viewed in forge mode - And there might be other gametype-specific tags that produce the same results - I haven't tried any yet. May never get around to it since I'm not an aesthetic forger and don't see any practical application of it in my own maps, but I thought I'd throw it out there. I could see other tags with a physical component (e.g. oddball spawn) doing the same thing, perhaps. - Unfortunately I can't think of a scenario where it's likely this effect is NOT gametype-specific. I can't imagine that CTF tag does anything outside of a CTF gametype, so regardless of whether the gametype-specific setting is true or false, it still probably only works in CTF. That's my guess anyway.
Pretty interesting find. So late into Halo 4 too. Not much more I can say really It could maybe be used for colour coordination with bases, but then again it will only work in CTF :/
I was thinking I might add a skull-and-crossbones aesthetic to my map in some dangerous place. With the size of the zone set to nothing, of course... don't want to make it TOO dangerous.
I actually noticed this recently as well, and ended up using upside down extraction decals as flag returns (just looks nicer and doesnt **** with movement like the flag stands) Interesting that it isnt just that piece that acts weird, that I didnt know, just thought it was objective relatd objects.