Well hello fellow forgers, you may have seen some of my maps on the old forge hub as of late. This is the first post on the site version. I did post this map a few days before the old site changed. This is a map i originally done for Reach as a request for some MLG players and they liked the simplicity of it. I have changed a lot of the map for Halo 4, i have also made it bigger and more complex (more cover basically). The map is aimed more at CTF but some real fun games of slayer can be done. As always any feedback, good or bad, big or little will be appreciated. Have fun........
Well you should really fix this map up. First of all, I see so many long sightlines. You'd see them in the last and second picture. There's also holes in the map. I can tell that the holes are intentional but I think you should use a block or a bridge or something to connect the two platforms. A lot of the pieces also look very out of place. Such as the window, doubles, the random crates, and the various Dominion pieces. Also, the area with the rocks, water, and the tin cup just looks...well...bad. I also see a couple of Ramp 2x2 Steeps placed in this map. I suggest replacing these with inclines that are less steep. Probably something at a 30 degree angle? In that second to the last picture, I suggest placing a 3x3 short to fix the bumps that the Brace Larges have. I have so many more things on my mind but this is what I'm giving you for now.
Those Brace, larges you're seeing aren't inclines or walkways, they're there as ceiling/wall/aesthetic pieces, the angle of the image just tricks your eyes a bit (you can see the same setup in the first pic, at Red base). I would disagree with the sightline issues. There don't appear to be that many to me, and where there are there does seem to be cover and offshoots available to take cover behind if needed. I do agree about the dominion piece usage and the area with the water/rocks/tin cup. The way those pieces are being used there just doesn't look good right now. It could probably be fixed up to look more natural, but as is, with an odd patch of grass being held up by some rocks, it just doesn't make much sense.
Didn't see that about the Brace Larges. But about dem sightlines. In the last picture, I think one can shoot from where he took that screenshot all the way to the other end of the map. That or my eyes are fooling me again. But I guess I'll have to download this and check it out in Forge to have more accurate feedback.
Long sightlines can be good if done right. With it only being a small tunnel where you can see from one end to the other I don't see it as a problem. I reckon that would create a neat gameplay element.
awesome feedback guys, the dominion pieces were just an aesthetic in the basement, I do feel that they are just there to look nice and without testing didn't know if they would get in the way. They can easily be removed (also the crates at the bottom) but then iam left with two, quite boring corners. I may curve them out with the curved wall, this may add to the different aesthetic angles of the map. The rocks at the bottom with the tin cup, well on the original map on Reach it was a solid rock mount with the grass on top, and that looked and worked well, I think I will revert to the original. The second to last pic with the large brace's is the roof. its kill zoned up there so people cant get on it. The long lines of site are there to discourage people from using the (quicker) centre walk ways. if you want to try and dominate them then its pretty hard as you have 4 points of entry as the triangle (purple lit) walk way and the square walkway meet in the middle where the rocket launcher is. The feedback on the tin cup and dominion pieces is brilliant thank you so much, the sight lines do look a bit extreme but until you run round/ through them, its so small you have to be a Korean robot to pop a sniper headshot in there. I will adjust, take some more pics and repost a V2 version. once again thanks a lot guys.
You don't need to make another thread for updates, just add a v1.1, v1.2, v2, whatever to the end of your Map Name and update the original post as necessary (download links, images, etc.). Then just make a post in this same thread informing of the updates, don't make a new thread.