Lol at overdoziz and at ovr liking it. Ive never once in my entire 4 to 5 yrs on this site had a single person ask me a staff question not even because of my color. How confusing can it be if nobody ever had the idea that I was a staffer?
Even if a new member was confused and asked Zombie a staff question, I'm sure he'd direct them to the correct person. That's not a fair excuse for removing the rank at all. If you're so worried about confusing new members, it might be a good idea to start utilizing this thread.
Let me ask you this, do you think the color is important? If you kept the bar and the custom title why does the color matter? If there is any concern of confusion whatsoever, no matter how small you may perceive it, do you think having the color is worth that potential confusion it might cause? Just to be clear here, when I say color, I'm not saying your rank or the rewards that came with that. I'm talking specifically about the color of your username.
Well, I doubt newer members will understand the bar under the name. I know I sure didn't for the first little while. The colour sets them apart as at least a more important member of some kind. Having a bar that said architect under their name wouldn't help nearly as much. The colour sets them apart, the bar that says architect doesn't (at least, for newer users who wouldn't understand it).
The benefits of a colored name as something for a member to strive for outweigh the miniscule downside of possibly confusing a member.
Why is this color thing a debate? I don't see how it affects anything one way or another. I'd side of the view of helping streamline colors so you know only staff are colored to avoid any possible confusion. That sound better than making someone feel good because their name isn't grey. It will only benefit the new members to have this done, and removing colored names is not hurting any rank. If people don't stick around long enough to learn what the ranks mean, maybe they aren't dedicated members.
I'll stop, after my closing arguments. I like having the color, even if it is minuscule. When I got architect it wasn't a 2 feature rank, it was a 5 or 7 or something. That took forever and out of the few "original architects" I'm one of the only ones active. I even have 3 maps waiting to be posted. I worked super hard to get this reward & the color is the 1st and main thing people notice that tells them, "hey, this guy worked his butt off". Maybe it's selfish I guess but I feel sorta ripped off by this. Plus, if some new member asked me any questions I'd be more than happy to point them in the right direction. I agree the bickering should be put to rest but I'm pretty sure there are far more important changes to be put into effect than taking our color. When floods of new active members show up complaining about how distracting it is for a few select members to be green w/o being on staff, then let's worry about this alleged "issue". Ps, I agree the color is more of an award members strive for than the rank.
I see what you're about, Zombie, I do. Personally, I don't care a whole lot if color stays or goes. It seems like a very minor things to me. Something we need to decide, but still minor. I really don't have any more to say on that, but I'll definitely consider what you just said when the discussion comes up again (because I know it will once larger things are done). For now, I'm gonna go focus on the articles I'm working with.
Im not going to tell you that you have not worked your butt off, in fact, the section under your message, your signature, tells me more about you than the color of your name! I see all the maps you have posted on here and chose to post in your signature for anyone reading one of your posts to go and see, possibly download. And, I for one, know you are a valued member of this site. It is not hard to tell that. I feel you should have the recognition you deserve, but maybe you might not have to contribute to the ceaseless arguing that has become most of what anyone sees when they open this site for the first time? True, we have lost many a great Forger since the site fell into disrepair. oVR and DAX are attempting to correct this and I will assist them in any way I can, one way is not to constantly whine about where I think my placement should be within the forums, out for everyone to see. A simple message to the right people shoud suffice?
about all this architect crap, i don't think we should have a social ladder for people to try and climb, people should just be able to jump in and be a full part of the community without any real elitist figures above them. remember a community should try and work together for the benefit of each other not ones selfish goals.
Socialism! COmmunism! Yeah! If that's so... remove all colors from all members, including admins. Also, don't let anyone, admins and staff included, pull the "Don't Question the Admin" bullshiz.
At Audience, thanks. I agree it's a very small issue. At shadow, I agree. I am done arguing about and I'm ready to see this site flourish again. At haunted, I disagree sorta. I don't see it as a social ladder. This is a forging site. That's how it started and that's how it grew. That reward gives incentive for people to strive towards making their maps the best they can and to go great lengths to do so. That's what happened to me. I wanted premium so bad then it went to architect. I feel it's only better for our community to have this title attainable. Thanks.
Haunted, having elitism is what made people try early in forging.. People want what they can't have.... The same thing that happened to Zombie happened to me. I wanted the original premium color so bad that I spent weeks/months forging a single map to get it perfect. Hoping for a feature. And I did that over and over until I made a name for myself and started to get features. It made people want to work hard in the community to raise a name for themselves... But I'm not going to chine in anymore lol because I don't really care. As long as I get to keep my extra permissions etc.