Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry it took me so long to update the thread- for some reason i havent been able to access much stuff on here. All dudes added.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I get that. I think it's a shame he's making 100s of sweeping changes without talking to, or even notifying, the people they affect. Ultimately the amount of resentment around here is growing exponentially. Not on my part, because I'm just not sufficiently invested in it anymore... but yeah.

    By the way guys, I won't be on tonight. Going to see a movie with my wife.
  3. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Btw, i dont know if your list of players above is going off of gamertags, but mine is'nt waterfall, it's waterfallninja3
  4. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Got ya waterfall. I will add you when i get online tonight.

    What are you going to see Nutty?
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Much Ado About Nothing.
  6. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet baby jesus.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Sometimes you gotta make the little lady happy!
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Was the lobby canceled for some reason?
  9. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey waterfall, i tried inviting you last night but somehow live decided it wouldn't let me send messages- i will try and add you again this week if you still want to join next tuesday
  10. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's odd. I may be on vacation next week. Oh well, there will be another time.
  11. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    TCOJ Recap thread for tues 25/6

    This is the recap thread for TCOJ lobby of 25/6/2013. We played on new stuff this week, as well as maps nearing complwtion. If you have any thoughts for the maps tou played, good or bad, drop them in here.

  12. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    GT: Chronmeister

    Map I tested: Starlight

    Feedback for Teusday June 25

    Tectonic by X2Sora

    I really enjoyed playing on this map. I liked the asymmetrical layout very much and it felt like it would take a long time for me to figure out all the different areas of the map. It looked pretty good too. I really like the height variation. It doesn't seem like your highest points can become overpowered at all. I think you should eliminate any steps or small jumps like you have at the highest room on the more elevated side of the base. Ramp up to the 4x4 instead of forcing players to jump up here. I also think you should remove the window to the view outside and redo the area on the lower side of the base where you have the clear wall corner with a rocky jump up. This should also be a ramp instead of a jump and the wall corner should be replaced with something non-transparent. Add some color to the map too. Its kinda hard for me to even tell you where on the map I'm talking about and it would surely help for callouts in game. Other than those little gripes, this was a great map and one of my favorites.

    Arboretum by Juanez Sanchez

    This is a beautiful map. I took a look at it in theater and WOW! Every area has so many different possibilities for combat. I didn't realize it was symmetrical until i looked at it from above. I think you need to open it up a bit though. It feels too much like each area is its own little battleground and that you need to rush through the corridor sections to get from area to area. I love the areas, dont get me wrong, but I think something needs to be done to eliminate this feeling. Maybe open up the outer areas a bit. I do think the center intersection should be kept so don't mess with that though. Also, this map really would GREATLY benefit from more natural light. You have so much great architecture hidden in the shadows. Get rid of the glass. You need sunlight everywhere. GREAT WORK!!! I hope this can help your map a bit. It's already pretty damn good though.

    Villianous by Beemer1972

    The first time I saw this map I was thoroughly impressed with its aesthetics. I seem to really suck at playing on it every match, but I think it looks really good. I took a look in theater and I have some things I think you should consider. You should think about changing the center tower base a little. Level two really seems kinda pointless. Its just a narrow corridor running around the tower. I think it would work better with no corridor and maybe just a ledge. If there is no way from level two to three in tower, there is a problem. The bridges over to this area look kinda weird too. I think all the bridges in the map should be flipped. Top of tower seems pretty OP. Transition between coliseum wall flooring at ground level should be a ramp up in all locations and the area on ground floor where you have a 4x4 corner at the bottom of the stairs turning left into a red base should ramp up as well. I hope this helps. This map has great potential.

    by AnotherClaymore

    This map has always been fast paced and alot of fun in the matches I've played on it. It is a pretty simple layout and works best for CTF. I like what you were going for with the towers in the outer ring, but why would you add such a huge piece when you could create something original that would play so much better. I think a high double stair with a hut or single room with a door at the top would be perfect. I hate the railings on the tower. If you want to keep the tower bc of gameplay, recreate it with blocks or something. They just don't look right, especially in a map this small. I also think your map needs natural light. You dont have any, and the light coming through the glass looks like the usual faded out dull grey light. It would really make everything you have done on the map stand out with some sun shining on it.

    by X2Sora

    This map looks like something that I would play in matchmaking. I'm not a fan of bottomless pits though. I love every part of this map, but the bottomless pit in the center. I think that when a map flows like this it is really something special. I am thoroughly impressed. I took a look in theater and WOW! I bet you really spent some time on this one. Very nice work. You should be proud.
    #1512 Chronmeister, Jun 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2013
  13. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow awesome feedback Chronmeister. Yeah my map is a little too segregated- once a guy gets up through green its a clear run to his own flag and really hard to stop him. But i like room based maps, and that is what this is but more open, and i intend to keep it largely sectional.
  14. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback Chron! And your right, Putting those towers in the four corners on palisade was admittedly 'lazy forging' but after playtesting them I kinda like how they function. I could prolly build a custom structure that might look better but the fuction would remain accentailly the same. If I get some more free time I might go back and see what I can put together, but it plays well 'as is' in my opinion. Also, I'd really like to have more light, the map just felt unfinished without the roof, maybe I could have a 'skylight' with some kind of invisi ceiling, good advice thanks man.

    I will come back and *try* and give some feedback on each map later... pretty busy this week... well see...
  15. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    The Circle Of Jerks Testing Lobby for Tuesday 7/2/13

    This is the signup lobby for the TCOJ testing lobby of Tuesday 7/2/2013
    Do you like fun and friendly custom lobbies? Do you like feedback? Then you will get both right here. Signup below and you will recieve a slot for your map, I will aim for between 8-10 slots/players, and once we play your map we just pass it along to the next guy on my list. We also try and get 2 rotations, so two turns on your map.
    If you don't have anything to test, no problemo, we will gladly have you along to play and help test.


    I will usually throw up a feedback thread for the lobby the next day, so check back for some critique/advice/praise!! Recapping is not mandatory but highly encouraged. Any little titbit is of use, so please drop some in the feedback thread for all to read.

    1. Sanchez
    2. X2Sora
    3. beemer
    4. Claymore
    5. Chron
    6. wade (plz post gamertag)

    2 .

    #1515 AnotherClaymore, Jun 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  16. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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  17. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yo yo yo.

    I like this map a lot and it's great to be playing on one of your maps again, SORA. You haven't lost your touch. Th only part of this map I am not sold on the area where the sniper spawns at the seawall. It's low traffic, and seems a little outta place with everything else. Although it does create a power position giving good views of a lot of the map, its a bit of a chorr to get there from the right hand side as you have to go down ot the ground and then around back up. in future games I will pay more attention to that area and see how I find it to try and hold down with the sniper etc. other than that the rest of the map flows nice and weapons seem well placed. More games. Did you get 1-flag going at all?

    Mine. Okay so it's not finished, I need to open it up a little cos it's too easy to cap flags once a person gets through green and in to their base. I will work on it and run it again next week.

    I must echo Chron's sentiments about the bases being made from them towers. I like how you have to re-expose yourself with the flag to get up to your spot and they do fit well, but your a great forger and I think you can come up with a beastly structure there if you try. I do like the fact that you have to go round twice with the flag, so even when your back you ain't safe, so try and keep that dynamic if you can. It's just such a fun map though, so fast and furious.

    Despite the fact I lagged out halfway through the game of slayer (or was it KOTH?), i still enjoyed it massively. KOTH was a hard game, cos the other team kept the top platform on lock down constantly. We mighta stood a chance if we battled for top control but we just couldn't push 'em off, so that is I guess the secret for success on that gametype. It's a fun slayer map too, although at times it can get a little too crazy at bottom-mid with it being made of three layers stacked up and an uncertainty as to which layer your enemy is on.

    Ah, a golden oldie from the TCOJ back-catalogue. Fun. Flows around and up and down effortlessly and yes, the death-pit in the middle can be a proper ****box at times, but it's necessary for the risk vs. reward of quick crossing from one side to the other. All in all, a more solid map than Tectonic, but it's early days for the latter, I know you got the goods, sunshine.
  18. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For some reason the only pics that have gone up to my recent screenshots album are from TECTONIC. So lucky you, SORA.


  19. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Sign me up.
  20. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some more!


    That's all for now. Try and spot yourself above!!!
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