Secluded A Competitive Slayer Map by ArcticLancer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In advance, first map on forgehub. Hope my forging is on your level. Secluded is an extremely clean and simple slayer map designed for 1v1 and 2v2 combat. The map flows nicely, and contains fast-paced action, and a relatively open concept that forces players to move quickly. Ordinance : Sniper x1 (120s) Shotgun x1 (120s)
I'll give this a go next time I'm testing 1v1/2v2s. It looks interesting, but I won't judge from the overview because it looks like you have some overlap. Just out of curiosity, why did you give SWAT as the only recommended gametype if your player count is 1v1/2v2 and you have a sniper and shotgun on the map?
For a first map, this doesn't look bad at all. But I highly suggest taking out those Ramp 2x2 steeps. Those are never good for ramps because...well...they're too steep.
Eh, an immediate no-no for me is the fact that Red and Blue teams are able to see and shoot each other directly off of spawn. I would recommend either changing the location of those spawn points or altering the sightline there to prevent that.
I had a nice long post after I walked through the map, then I scrolled up and typed something and I got sent back to the index, so I'll make this quick: -Zandril's right, when you have steep ramps, and you're at the bottom, and somebody attacks you from the top, it takes so much time to look up that you're dead already. I didn't check the actual angle, but I would recommend reconsidering the ramp setup if it's anything greater than 30 degrees. Just throwing out an arbitrary number, if it's 31, who cares. -It's fine for people to see each other off of initial spawns. Promotes prediction. -I like the asymmetry and room-based nature, but I feel the ramps may create chokepoints and slow gameplay. -There are up and down ramps by yellow to red that make no sense - why have a down ramp and then those really steep ramps behind red?
Thank you for the feedback. In order: ------------------------------------ Steep Ramps - I'll see if I can swap them out and make the transition look smooth by raising the floor in bottom red. Sightlines - Yes, it was intentional. Ramps slowing gameplay - How would you suggest addressing this problem? If anyone could answer this, it would greatly improve my forging overall. Ramps by bottom Red - Intended to be a LoS blocker but bottom red is underused, so it loses that function. I will try to solve the problem by raising red's entire floor.
In any combination, you can make the ramps less steep, you can make the connections between rooms shorter, you can add connections between rooms in the forms of windows and lifts, you can add connections between rooms on multiple levels and create upper walkways of a sort (think Hang 'Em High), or do a bunch of other things. There is no one right way to forge (and if I acted like there was, then I would be wrong and an arrogant fool).
I have created a revised version of the map. Some of the former crises should be averted. Ramp height has been changed to speed up gameplay. Also, some sightlines have been shortened to speed up gameplay. This should have fixed any problems. CHANGE LIST: ----------------- - The bridge at top middle now has walls on the sides, in the original release the view was somewhat omniscient. - Both bottom red corners have been raised to reduce the supposed steepness of the ramps. - Yellow room has been entirely redesigned to make it: A) Easier to access the sniper rifle B) Open up the corner so people actually use it and it isn't just wasted space. C) Added wall for cover because top red could see too much. - Covers have been added to both entrances of blue spawn. (I'm talking about the ramps) This adds a little bit of necessary cover to blue base that it didn't formerly have.