chaos trip has the same kind of essence of Boarding Action, but there is no way over to the other side(unless you can manage to cross the mine field), on each side there is two "bases" with a lot of interlocking objects and cover(as well as some good hiding spots), the inside of the bases has nothing realy of help to you , but on the end of the main base there is a teleporter that brings you to a floating platform with a window pannle(i woundent go there because of the fact your opponits can make the floor exploed stranding you in the mine field), so to keep you from going to the other side there is tons of fuison coils falling from the sky constanitly. the game type is basicly just snipers with no nades. main red base main blue base second red base floating platform inside red base looking at blue base as the mines are going off download chaos trip sry i dont have a gametype
Many maps like this. Although the exploding would get in the way of people's sniping. I would have actually made the two bases closer and put a pit with teleporters sending you outside of Foundry and towards your doom. Know what I mean?
Looks good. It looks like if you take away the explosions and maybe add vehicles, it would also be a cool map too. ( just a suggestion. maybe for v.2).
Looks great. One problem I can think of though... would the explosions affect the gameplay? I remember making a fusion coil constant explosion once, and that nearly crashed Halo
This map would be totally epic 1337 MLG insane-ness if you put in teh mancannons and a secret room with rockets, camo, OS, shotgun, and bubble- accessible via secret path from not-so-secret teleporter in the middle of the map. ....Jk. Looks like a great map. Snipers-BR FTW!
you used some pretty creative ideas, but my only apprehension is the open spot in the middle, looks really open. and falling explosives doesnt yell competitive.
Looks good but i think you should have put more things in the middle. The interlocking is good. Good job
i just got off from testing it with all snipers, there is no lag and it is not like camping in one spot the hole time because most of the time your still visiable so it is veary fast pased and fun, also the fuison coils add to the sespence
there is nothing in the middle because you dont go into the middle, you hide behind the cover at your base and snipe at the other team takeing cover at there base
Although this map is probably fun, there is many like this. On the other hand I do like like that bridge you can shoot out from under people. Good Job 3/5.
Definently a good map to keep noobs from using gay power weapons like the shotty or sword.I tested it and the explosions do get in the way in someplaces but its fun trying to snipe someone through the explosions.No lag at all by the way.What can we expect in V2?
well in v.2 im gonna get rid of the explotions and add some kind of aerina in the middle and sadly maby a sword, it will be for slayer, CTF, and assult