12-16 Players Void

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by thegaykid7, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. thegaykid7

    thegaykid7 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map- Void
    GT- BloodyNinja17
    Players- 12-16 recommended
    Gametypes- Slayer (more to be added later)
    Budget- $9955

    Notable Weapons- Sniper Rifle (2x), Railgun, Shotgun, Needler (2x)
    Vehicles- Warthog, Mongoose (2x)
    Ordinance: Random Ordinance (2x)- includes Damage Boost, Speed Boost, Overshield, Scattershot, Rocket Launcher, Energy Sword, Fuel Rod Cannon, Sticky Detonator


    Map: Download Here
    Map Video Tour: Download Here
    Recommended Infinity Slayer: Download Here
    Recommended Slayer Pro: Download Here

    This is my map formerly known as "Unearthed", with a number of design as well as aesthetic changes that have significantly altered the flow and movement around the map. Included are an expanded selection of screenshots taken in greater rotation to help give a better feel of how the map is constructed. For those who may have seen pictures of my previous iteration, most of the map has remained more or less the same structurally. However, the interior of the central structure has gone through a complete overhaul, I having finally settled on a design I'm much more confident in. Note that the two associated game types are for recommended use only (especially with regard to ordinance). I've also linked a quick tour of the map that you can download and view.

    I've done my best to iron out any known issues that may arise during play (for instance, making sure that all paths are as flat as possible, dealing with various LoS, etc), but I'm sure there are going to be many things I may have overlooked. That being said, I feel this map is fully playable as it stands and a lot of fun to play. It has not been playtested yet, but if you would be interested in being a part of the process, shoot me a message and I'll be happy to include you. Thanks for looking!!


    Void is an asymmetric map primarily designed with team slayer in mind. It features three distinct regions: the cliffs, the central structure, and the container field. Each hosts its own power weapons and has distinct advantages and disadvantages for players to contend with that I will briefly cover here.

    Cliffs: This forested region hosts one of the two sniper rifles on the map, located at the base of the cliff. Trees and rocks provide cover from long range fire. Near the center of the forest is the spawn of one of two random ordinance drops. To reach it, players must take the risk of leaving their cover and be susceptible to enemy fire. Players may want to control the upper portion of the cliffs as to have eyes on both sniper spawns as well as the ordinance drop.

    Central Structure
    : The center of the upper level hosts the second sniper rifle, which can be accessed via the 4 bridges surrounding it. The floor level should be one of the more active locations on the map, as a result of the various pathways that intersect at this location. In one corner of the room lies the second random ordinance drop. There also exists a modified middle level which offers several locations with strong LoS. 2 gravity lifts on ground level can be used to access this middle tier, as well as a ramp. The middle tier has two ramps leading to the top.

    Container Field
    : Both the Railgun and Warthog spawn in this region. There is also a man cannon present for quick access to the top of the middle structure.


    Map Overview

    Blue Spawn

    Ramp to Top Level

    Container Field near Blue Spawn

    Container Field

    Railgun Spawn

    Sniper Spawn Lower Cliff (Between the two rocks)

    View from Upper Cliff

    Gravity Lift to Upper Cliff (in rear)

    Random Ordinance Spawn (Forest)

    Top of Central Structure (Sniper Spawn in middle). Note- Red Team spawns near the Sniper Tower

    Top of Central Structure Reversed (Sniper Spawn in middle)

    Ground Floor of Central Structure

    Ground Floor of Central Structure 2

    Random Ordinance Drop (Central Structure)

    View from Middle Tier of Central Structure
    #1 thegaykid7, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well gaykid, this is something.

    - The map LOOKS like it has too many open areas.
    - Take those damn artifact bases out. They look so weird in this map. (This may just be me)
    - A lot of pieces you've placed look very out of place. (An example is the 1x4 block in the second picture)
    - At one area in the map. There is an open space and the only cover that players have there are trees. Replace those tress with better LoS blockers.
    - If I were you, I'd remove those base shields. If you placed them there as a callout and to mark the area as "red", then use Extraction cylinders instead.
    - The area with the curved walls look odd.
    - In the fourth screenshot, did you just stack those platform XLs and those Cylinders? That looks fine to you? Rotate and merge that sh** man.
  3. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    hey man not to be an asshole. but i think that now that you have made this made like it is....you should go back and remake the whole thing from scratch because from the first screen shot its clear that you didnt know what you were going to make. but thats ok! cause now that you do! you can make it way better, symmetrical, less frustrating to look at, make adjustments to the floor gaps and EVERYTHING Zandril said basically.
    just my opinion...i remade a map i created on forge world called forgotten halls. remade it on ravine and it turned out way better. but you obviously wont be able to remake this map on ravine....probably not at least. anyway thts my two cents!

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