Welcome to my first ever map. After looking through most of the maps on here i thought it would be a change to make a map which had almost zero use of interlocking and this is how it turned out. Face off is symertical map with two bases which have the exact same stuff (except power ups) Each base has each of the following 1 x Needler 2x Smgs 1x Sentinal beam 1 x Br 1 x overshield 2 x Spike grenades 2 x spiker Outside of the bases there are the following weapons 1 x rocket launcher 1 x Engery sword 1 x Shotgun 2 x carbine 2 x assult rifle 2 x firebomb grenades as well as many plasmas and other basic weapons Gametypes Teamslayer Multiflag Neutral bomb Multibomb V.I.P Map tactics Early rush for rockets normally ends in tears for one team a smarter thing to do would be to jump on the minigun which looks directly into the open box where the rockets spawn and gun everyone down When you get the flag be wise of where you take it the side routes are by far the quickest but is littered with fusion coils and the your flag run could end in disaster (see pic below) Sword and shotgun are best for defending the flag due to it's tight spce where the flag sits oversheild spawns across from the flag so t's wise to keep it there until you get attacked Sniper can set up shop on top of the base or watch one of the alleys (remember to pick up deployable cover on top of the base) As map is long range and close range it is wise to have a short range weapon (shotgun mauler swprd etc) and a long rnage weapon (Br Carbine etc) Map plays best at 4 v 4 but it really intense at 6 v 6 and up Red base Blue base Middle of map and rockets Shotgun What could happen if you take the flag down the alley way Sword Sniper spawn (on both sides) Enjoy Download it here Face off
Thanks but i saw that inerlocking is used alot in all the maps made so i tried to build the map with no interlocking but thanks for the comment
Ok thanks much for your comments i'll try it again later once i'm done my other map and make it look smoother and cleaner
The layout looks really good and I like the risk factors if you take shortcuts. You could of made it look a little nicer and neater though, other the that awesome map.
Looks good for CTF and Team slayer also to make the map look better you can try to interlock the boxes =p good map though
Thanks for your opinions team games are the where the map plays best and thanks for helping me build a better map