ARCADIUM Free-for-all multilayered combat where Ghosts and Wraiths own the sky above, raining terror on the Spartans below- and themselves. [video=youtube_share;chhoKK-s6gk][/video] Arcadium revolves around 6 players in a free-for-all battle in space. Each starting out on a platform with access to one Ghost and armed only with an unlimited Plasma Pistol and Jetpack. Behind them a Man Canon which will raise them and their Ghosts up to the floating top layer above. Up here players will find combat fast and dangerous, two Wraiths and two Banshees can be obtained, but both come with cost. The Wraith is an easy target to the Spartans below, one fully charged Plasma pistol hit and the Wraith will fall off its floating gravity layer and plumet into the depths of space - of course this happens to Ghosts too but they are more of a challenge to hit from below. The Banshees, although they have free roam of the entire map, are extremely susceptible to a jet-pack hi-jack. I imagine there will still be several glitches around, if so just give me a heads up and I will check them out. Co-created with: SpacedOutLloyd (XBL) I wasn't sure whether to submit this to Standard Maps or Social maps, as it obviously isn't a standard slayer map and game-type but isn't obscure like a race or Grifball alternative. Thanks for checking out the map! Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Yeah as I said I was kind of lost with where to post it, even after looking into both. If that is the case could an admin move it to the correct sub-forum?
Thanks! Sorry bad judgement on my part. Hopefully this doesn't detract from people trying out the map and gametype.
I like the idea of the Map!! it would be cool if it were to be bigger so then you could have more people play it! Nice Action Screenshots though!!
Thanks Yeah, the size is mostly down to limited amount of Gravity Trait Zones We definitely wanted to make it bigger! Just working around the limitations!