Well too make this a little more lovely i grabbed a few better screen shots of my new map stands still. First up ill do a run through of weapons/vehicles. EDIT: Map Beta Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/p...Date=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Weapon List: DMR x2 Battle Riffle x2 Rockets x1 Sniper x2 Concussion x2 Needler x2 Shotgun x2 Warthog(Chain Gun) x2 Mongoose x2. Now ill get right into the new screen shots. First Up we have red base. Keep in mind this map is symmetrical So that bases are layed out the same way. in each base we have 1 of the following: DMR, Needler, Shotgun, Sniper, Concussion, BR. As i mentioned the bases are the same but i feel it necessary to show them both either way. Also same weapons spawn on this side. Here We have a Shot of center, As well as you can see most of center bottom as well as one of the lifts. Here we have Rockets which spawn top middle. And last but not least here is a top-down shot of the entire map Bottom right you see red teams Vehicles and top left for blue teams. Alsop size wise it takes up a good chunk of the largest island on forge island. The budget is currently 8200? I am almost certain its around that. If there is anything i missed mentioning post a reply and ill be sure to try and help.
No one's replying to this and I'm feeling nice today so I'm gonna step up and comment. But before I can give you my feedback, do you think you could add more UPDATED screenshots? Because you only posted three that don't say very much about the map. An overview picture would be helpful too.
Alright so i finaly posted some new screenies as well as a top down for the map. As well i did a revised weapons/vehicles list.
I forgot all about this thread. Could you post a link to the map beta so I can check this out personally and give you feedback that aren't derived from observation of screenshots?
I won't be able to give you feedback on the map's gameplay because I wasn't able to run a game here. So if you're planning on testing this, send me an invite. Here are some issues on gameplay, I THINK the map would have. - There is a good chance of cross-map engagement from red all the way over to blue. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing about the map 'cause like I said, I wasn't able to play a game here. - The only cover in the open areas of the map are trees. And now that we're on the subject of trees, I'd say that there's too many in the map. __________________________________________ Visual Issues - I noticed some Z-fighting in the stairs in Blue and Red side. - The map looks very bland. I mean, almost everything in the map is a building block. I don't see anything unique that makes it stand apart from other maps. Try to give the map some more aesthetic details or do something about it that will help people remember the map because from what I'm seeing, the map is very forgettable. And again, I apologize for having no gameplay feedback. But I'll try to run a game on the map soon.
Could you perhaps post more helpful feedback than that? Posting that makes it look like you're just trying to increase your post count.
Do people seriously care about post count still? Anyways, queued it for download, I'll take a better look at it in a few minutes. I'll say right now that you should add soke aesthetic flourishes to the walls, as they currently are incredibly bland. (judging from the pics) Edit: Okay, went in and flew around, here are my thoughts; Remove at least half of the trees if you intend on keeping the hogs. The paths for the vehicles is simply not an attractive option because it is so difficult to manuever. So, clear up some better paths for the vehicles so they can run a proper circuit on the map without hitting anything. (Though, I would honestly rather you took the vehicles off) Move the snipers somewhere else. A power weapon should never spawn in a location ideal for is use. I would move them down to a bit in front of the warthog spawns. Move your ground teleporters to where you have concussion rifle right now, and put concussion rifle where the snipers are currently. If you do not want ordnance weapons that is fine, but make sure the weapons arent hidden in odd spots (concussion rifle) and if they are on fixed you should place them against a wall, otherwise someone can trip up on one in a firefight if they dont want to pick up the weapon. You also have some dominion base stripes sticking out of random parts that serve no purpose and look strange. Add some rocks on the ground, it looks weird with trees on a flat plain with no rocks.
What's the player count? That sure seems like a butt load of weapons IMO. 2 shottys, 2 snipers, 2 concussions, and rockets? I don't mind 2 needles but it just seems overkill to me.