A Halo 4 forger came up with some amazing inventions that range from "draw-bridges" to closing "jail-cells"! Check them out by watching this video!
See, and all 343i had to do was make it so we could place buttons that allowed for the same kind of things to happen (tied to certain objects via options of course) outside of dominion. Seriously, that's all it would have taken. I mean, can you imagine the linear infection maps you could use these for? Or even just themed slayer maps? Anyway, very nice video, I'll keep these in mind for if I ever do a themed map.
It would do absolute wonders for Linear Flood. A change from pieces just spawning it would be amazing.
If I had to pick one thing that I liked the most out of H3 maps, it was dem switches! Seriously though I don't know why this was ever implemented after Halo 3. It was have been a brilliant feature.
The "How-to" vid is up >> check it out: [video=youtube_share;t3W3JvRnRco]http://youtu.be/t3W3JvRnRco[/video]