We all admit that the Halo 4 Stats viewer on HaloWaypoint is awful (slow and sluggish), so me and a friend started making our own versions of their site. I started on a qucik CSR viewer, that i never released, then my friend Peaches made Leaf, and I started to work on what I called Branch. It's pretty much a clone of how Bungie.net functioned, but shows Halo 4 Stats. It does pretty much everything HaloWaypoint does: View a Service Record Overivew (Including highest CSR, Campaign Progress and Ranking Up XP Progression) View your entire Game History (War Games, Customs, Campaign and Spartan Ops) View details about every match you've played and view the in-depth stats Halo Tracks. View your CSR in every playlist (it's even broken down into Team and Inidvidual ranking) View your Commendation progress. View your Specialization progress. Direct integration with leaf So I guess you can now link those custom game histories, without having to go through Waypoint (oh, and have some pictures) Spoiler Anyway, I just released it as a beta for people to use and test and give me feedback. If you decide to use it, I hope you enjoy it Link to me
My browser said that your server sent no data, so I couldn't open it, but it looks sick! Does the Highest CSR just keep track of your current highest CSR at the time, or does it record the highest you've ever gotten (so if you have a 50, and then go down, does your Highest CSR change)?
Works fine for me. I must say it is a hell of a lot better than Waypoint so I will most likely be using this regularly along side Quick CSR. Thanks!!
Should be fixed now, I was moving my AWS Instances around. And nope, it shows your current highest CSR. That's all I can access unless I build my down caching engine (that's what HaloTracker is for). Thanks man, glad you like it .
Looks nice. I already use Halotracker.com but I'm more than willing to give this a try. It certainly looks nicer than Halo tracker, but may not have the same level of in depth stats... Still, I'll check it out. Nice work! EDIT: Just checked it out. Seems very well done. But like I said above, it doesn't have the same level of stats as Halotracker.com. Still, quite nice. It's easy to operate and looks far better than Waypoint stats or Halotracker, so kudos for that.
Yeah, it doesn't go as in-depth with leaderboards and everything. Figured there was no need to re-do something HaloTracker does well, and has a large history of tracking . And if you want a better looking site that does Leaderboards, try Leaf.