
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by tom mulks, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    2 - 8 Players

    Download - File Share Halo Official Site

    SO far i like its layout. any feedback on good and/or bad things about the map would be awesome though!


    Initial ordnance - Rockets (located level one)
    - Shotgun (located level two)

    Random Ordnance - Railgun, Overshield, Sticky detonator, Speed boost.

    other weapons - Dmr, BR, Boltshot scattered around the map.
    grenades also scattered around the map.





    Feedback please! :)
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks better than your previous maps, tom. I'll give it a download tomorrow.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

    Also, have you been able to check out NOVUS yet?
  3. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    hey man...cheers..nah i havnt had much time recently...but ill give it a run through now!
  4. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    yo Zandril...checked out novus and played it 1 vs 1 with a friend...good map man! the only thing id say about it is that the rock cave where the sticky detonator is feels a little too stand alone...just feels like it needs more too it. dont know what tho.
    also bottom middle is sometimes to isolated from the top levels. maybe chuck a lift in the middle somewhere. i was thinking where that drop point is, could double as a lift too...but yeah its just a little bit annoying having to run out of bottom middle to get to the top level via the ramps and what not. apart from that man. its a nicely balanced map as far as i can tell. :)
  5. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey tom. I walked through this map in Forge mode so I won't be able to give much gameplay feedback.

    These are some issues I had with the map

    - Candy coloring. I think you had like 5 colors that did not blend well together. I understand that you colored those pieces for callouts but try to place unique structures as callouts instead of multi-coloring.

    - Z fighting at yellow and other areas.

    - The walkway larges look very out of place, IMO.

    - Floating rails from both red and blue. Unless you were going for something Forerunner themed, avoid making floating objects.

    - 2x2 flats look out of place also.

    - The turrets don't seem very useful. I think that there's too much cover in front of them that it makes them ineffective. You can also save yourself some budget by removing the sandbags.

    - The window coliseums you used as walls aren't a good idea. A part of the platform larges are sticking out and players can see this through the windows. If you're placing a window in a map, try to put some scenery that can players can look at through the window.

    - Rocks poking out of metal in the lower floor look really odd to me. I don't think this really affects the map. But it removes some of the map's aesthetic appeal, IMO.

    - Some parts of the pieces of the upper level are overextending to the lower level.

    I apologize for not being able to give much feedback related to gameplay because I couldn't get a party together 'cause I kept getting disconnected from Live.

    Send me an invite if you're still planning on testing this. :)
  6. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    One other thing i Noticed was that some of the Count down Kill barriers were in odd places Such as above the lift in the first picture. A simple fix of objects and it wouldn't be needed, Also i agree With Zanny on the rocks for lower floor. Although they did not take away from gameplay, they seem really out of place. Other than that the games i played were a lot of fun keep up the work :)
  7. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    thanks for the feedback guys. i really appreciate it....

    i agree on a lot of your points zandril and i probably will take out those kill zones above the lift landderp...

    the mounted turret is really only in the map to add to the theme of the map "marauder"

    i will also get rid fo the window as i didnt feel comfy with them int he first place because, as you said, you can see through them and see the large platforms outside....i can easily fix th floating railing. i like the look of them. ill add more in to merge with the large platform overhead.

    the main thing i agree with are the rocks bottom level...if i have enough budget after making some changes to the map ill probably give them the axe as you are right they dont really feel right given the maps upper level theme.

    cheers again

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