k so me and my friend were forging a paintball map and it was pretty good up until we starting testing, this was on foundry and we blocked off the sides so it was like the griffball court. during forge it wasnt anything but when we started the game with a couple of friends, some of them spawned outside the arena, meaning they were where you spawn if you play foundry in matchmaking. so basically the problem was the spawn was all messed up, i tried many different ways to fix it, but nothing worked. i made a sniper map a week later on foundry and the same thing happened . so if you know how to fix this it would be really help and i thank you in advance ?
Hey could you possibly edit your text and un-bold it? It's a little hard to read. Did you try deleting the spawn points that could possibly outside the maps? Were the starting points enough for the amount of players in the game? Use this guide: Effective Spawn Placement Click the link. It'll help with your spawn points tremendously!
there i fixed the text and ya i checked the whole map for any spawn points spawn areas and starting points. but ill go back and check. and i put 10 spawn points on each base so thats enough for alot of people i read that guide before but thanks alot for your help man
So, you've definately checked that there are no more outside the map and there are enough on the field? Well, I'm gone. Is this happening at the start of the round or during it. If it is happening during it, it may be that they are too close together. If someone then dies near a spawn, the game engine thinks that that zone is 'too hot' to spawn in, so it moves you. If this does not fix it, you may have to resort to putting in some teleporters, annoying, I know. Good luck (and welcome to ForgeHub!)
Don't forget you need to change the spawns for EVERY gametype too ... That means: 1- Press start when in forge mode. 2- Go to 'Change Game Type'. 3- Choose a gametype. 4- Delete any spawn points that are outside the game area. 5- Rinse and Repeat. Also, make sure you have placed Start Points around the map, not just respawn points. The start points are only available when you change the gametype.
snipers stealth thanks for that man i think ill place the spawn points away from each other and it only happens sometimes like one unlucky member spawns outside and hes stuck until he dies but ill try what you said
texturedsun i tried that too i went around the outside and checked it for extra spawn points but thanks