Does anyone else have this problem...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SilentA98, May 29, 2013.

  1. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
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    So I haven't posted a map in months (for a couple reasons, but that's besides the point) and I seem to be unable to build anything decent. I'll start with an idea, such as a specific area design and get forging. But that's about it. I start forging, but I can never come up with something I like or that I finish. The maps I make the most progress on never turn out like I want them to despite having a clear image of what I want in my head. The areas I do create the way I want them to never go anywhere because I can never think of anything else to add, or what I do add just never looks right.
    I can't be the only one with this problem, so how do you guys overcome it?
  2. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
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    Yes, I have had the exact same problem for more than a year now :p Maybe try take a break from forge for a couple of days, it might help. I don't have much advice for you but usually I try keep a very very consistent aesthetic flow throughout the map, that should you help a little :]
  3. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    Make goals for your map, sketch it's design, and check to make sure that the map is possible to exist and is aesthetically pleasing in Halo 4's Forge. If you cannot think of any functional or original connections, locations, or additions, simply flip over your (preferably graph) paper and begin anew with the same goals in mind but a different design.
  4. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
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    Graph paper... that's actually a really good idea. I'll definitely be keeping that in mind, thanks.
  5. H3robr1n3

    H3robr1n3 Promethean

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    I have this problem in the worst extent. I come up with what I believe is an amazing design, I even occasionally sketch the ideas up, yet I never can seem to finish the maps that I have my best ideas on. The maps that I do finish never come out how I like them and this is ultimately the reason why I have very few maps completed. If anybody has any sort of extremely helpful advice I would appreciate it. This funk has me disappointed in my forging lately.
  6. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My suggestion is not to plan at all. I just go into forge and start making ****. I start with the basic layout or floor plan by placing coliseum walls. After that I just fill in the map with bases, cover and structures to break up LOS. If something doesn't look right, I erase and start over, but I never deviate from my original general floorplan. When I have tried going into forge with an idea, it never comes out the way I plan either. It takes time to fly around and think about what might be, but in the end, it works better for me than trying to come up with any type of plan ahead of time. It is also important that you start your map in a location that will give you enough light and room for what you want, but you probobly already know that.
  7. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Personally i always try to keep a specific size or use in mind. Like 4v4, big team or just slayer. It helps to have an end goal i find. Often just throwing stuff together then trimming it back can result in great asymmetrical layout though.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Best thing in this situation is to grab a buddy and bounce ideas around. I usually have the same thing happen to me, but whenever I co-forge something with Kavemanr the creativity just flows.
  9. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    All of my idea's come to me in a dream. Most of them suck. Since H4 came out I just haven't been able to forge properly. I actually have one that is turning out okay right now. I just need the other half to show up in one of those dreams agian :p Just take a break man, I always scetch out my stuff too. Go look through some magazines to find inspiration. That is all I can recommend.
  10. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Something that has a helped me is to not be afraid to delete things. If something doesn't look right or you are even not 100% sure about it, just get rid of it and try again. You can always put it back as it was. As soon as I was more commonly doing this, I was eventually creating things that looked really awesome.
  11. patricksandwich

    patricksandwich Promethean

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    Well this happens to me 150% of the time. I usually just start out by throwing pieces together and recreating things i see in every day occurrences. unfortunately, i can only build half of a map. There are about 6 unfinished forge maps i've started and had this problem on. There's only one map i've ever finished, and it turned out horribly with frame rate dropping and an overall bad theme. the map looked alright, but it was seriously lacking in a lot of things. The best thing I could suggest is to use ideas from other unfinished maps you may have started and try to implement them into your current design. If you want a forge buddy, I will be happy to help you out as I'd like you to return the favor as well haha

    My gamertag is PatrickSandwich

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