Here's another space graphic, '4chub: You can view the full size here CnC Please Things I focused on: -Composition -Lighting -Realism
Looks really good, but I don't really like the planet in the bottom left corner. Seems unrealistically close to the focus planet, the lighting seems to be off (shading) and the effects don't compliment the intended realism of the majority of the picture. Also the red blast on the focus planet seems off, you could hide the beam behind the planet, but keep the dust shooting up, so it looks like the explosion happened on the back side. The texture on the red planet is nice. But something about that planet seems weird to me. I think it might be alittle to darkened, the beam looks like its coming out of space, imo. other than that, as I said, looks good, coloring and realism is pretty good.
Yeah, I had trouble blending the planet to the left. Tried to distort it and overlay it but it looked worse.. I don't know what you mean by hide the beam behind the planet. It is hidden behind the main planet? Also, the shading on the red planet is meant to be more intense since the left planet is glowing and it's lighting up the planet on the right. Thanks, glad you like eit