What are your favourite video game characters overall? Basically,the characters you thought were truly amazing and really complemented the game as well as stuck in your head. The first of mine would have to be Viktor Reznov, from Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops334 343 Guilty Spark from the Halo Trilogy (And Possibly Halo's 5-6) And GLaDoS from the Portal series. And of course there's more, but these are some of the characters that I thought were truly spectacular. Each of them were really well done characters, their dialogue was almost always perfect and the characters themselves were interesting and really helped with the followthrough of their respective games. Guilty might not be a huge character like the other two, but he's still very important in the Halo universe. Now let's see your favourites.
The Didact from Halo 4 Thel Vadam from Halo 2 and Halo 3 Ripa Moramee from Halo Wars The Chief Noble Six from Halo Reach
Well, somebody likes halo... Mine, I'd have to say: Lily from Fallout New Vegas Juri han from Super Street Fighter IV