Popular Movies that Annoyed You

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Monolith, May 14, 2013.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So this is a thread to point out popular movies that annoyed you... and then explain why, of course.

    There has to be one rule in order to prevent this from being locked:
    1. Make a halfway decent argument for others, don't just complain about the movie.

    For me? The Avengers. It didn't have spiderman, [spoiler:] the "Oh, I'll just stick Loki's scepter into the tesseract after iron man sends a nuke into a wormhole, which automatically destroys all the (generic) aliens left on Earth, conveniently tying-up-all-ends" ending was pretty... meehh. The hulk's "I can be mad all the time" pseudo-logic was kinda .. just.. there.. To be completely honest, I don't think I laughed out loud once in the entire movie... just not my type of humor, I guess. And finally, it was 45 min too long imo.. I have to say that it was fun the first time I saw it. But then every time after I died slightly inside, especially after people were like, "no dude, you gotta watch it, it's the best movie eevveerrr, arrrghghgh nerdgasssmmm" cough what? So yeah, the Avengers- it was cool, but far too overrated imo. I'd give it a 4/10, but scarlett johansson makes it a 6/10.

    So yeah, complain about movies gogogo. No, just kidding, you can be funny but try to be somewhat fair in your rating. Feel free to discuss but don't get too off topic, you know the drill..

    I know there's a movie thread but that's rarely used and movies shouldn't be blotched into one little thread imo, and the community is somewhat lacking in discussion so yeah, here. /justification for thread
    #1 Monolith, May 14, 2013
    Last edited: May 14, 2013
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    For me personally, Reservoir Dogs. But that's because I had already seen Pulp Fiction before.
    Not really any reasons, I just didn't find it as epic as the majority of the public does.

    To anyone who's going to post in this thread: please don't forget to include spoiler alerts in case you're going to tell anything in depth about the storyline (which is very likely to happen). It's not fun for people who haven't seen a movie and planned on doing that to accidently read the climax in one of the comments.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, not a huge reservoir dogs fan myself. Pulp Fiction is pretty good, however.
    Yes, keep this in mind too^

    Ok, since nobody seems to want to post I'll have another go:

    LOTR- nah I'm just kidding REM. Next one is any Scary Movie. I used to like them when I was like 14 but they're pretty bland to me now. Pretty self explanatory, I guess.
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    The Bourne Legacy. It was OK, but it just didn't have that same "oomph" that the original trilogy did. Especially the ending, which I won't spoil. The reason I liked the originals is because there was a legitimate cause for Jason Bourne to be doing the things he was doing. The story of Legacy just seemed too flimsy for me to see it as anything but a hasty facilitation to extend the franchise. Don't get me wrong, Jeremy Renner is awesome, and he played the part well, but the movie was just let down by the boiled-down story arc and irritating attempt at an open-ended closing scene.

    If there is going to be any more movies after this one, I pray that they go back to Matt Damon and plead he reprise his role that made him an acting beast in my eyes. And that they don't skimp on script writers this time.
    #4 Xun, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  5. pop

    pop Promethean

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    the mat brodwick atrocity of a godzilla movie that punk ass over grown fish loveing lizard got killed by 12 missles the REAL godzilla would have shrugged that sh*t off and used his atomic breath on those f*cking jets

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