Whilst I know that we have a bit of a stance against modding here, I have noticed that members of a modding website have invented a gametype editor, that is allowing them to code and create their own gametypes. They have already made a working version of 1 Flag CTF (Sorry FlyingShoe!) that involves no forge tricks. It's a legitimate gmatype on its own now. They have also made speedflag, infection with changeable weapons amongst multiflag CTF, oddball and dominion, and are currently working on assault, and aim to remake infection too. I won't be posting any links to their works due to forum rules, but 7 great sins bring great opportunity! Discuss!
If they can remake Infection with just all of the old options except for two, being 1) The Flood skin 2) Disablement of Energy Sword pickup (and preferably still looking like a Flood claw but operating like a Sword), I'll be very very thankful.
REMKINGS, if you were to read the end of my post and get the hint. HINT HINT VARIOUS DEADLY SINS HINT HINT , then you would see that the remade infection keeps zombie skin, and flood talon, but allows for any weapon to be used and picked up by the flood.
What about the lunge distance? That's the major difference between the Claw and the Sword that I'm concerned about. The Sword was much more balanced because zombies couldn't fly at you from 20 ft. (Although the Shotgun in Halo 4 seems to have a bigger range than it used to in Reach.)
If you look about on a particular website, all the links to the halo 4 file share and the gametypes on them are there. I can't give you think link, but I have to tell you that you must NOT go onto google and type in 7sins halo4, then go onto the modding subforum and the thread "New Modded Game Types." Please don't do that
I would suggest contacting the guys that are making the gametypes Remco. Personally, I would rather work around the large sword lunge. The new Flood skin is great in my opinion and I would rather have it featuring in my games. The little additions that Starship Ghost has made are enough for me.