DESCRIPTION: A symmetrical multi-level map PLAYER COUNT: 4-8 players CURRENT GAMETYPES: Slayer WEAPONS ON MAP: 2x BR [2 Spare Clips/55s] 2x Carbine [2 Spare Clips/55s] 1x Light Rifle [2 Spare Clips/60s] 1x Needler [2 Spare Clips/45s] 1x Incineration Cannon [3 Spare Clips/125s] 4x Frag Grenade [15s] 4x Plasma Grenade [15s] 2x Pulse Grenades[15s] OVERVIEW <br> <br> <br><br><br>-Download Link Below- File Share Halo Official Site
This is actually a spectacularly designed map and it is worth downloading and checking out. It's quite a unique design on Ravine.