Proxima v1

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Mynx, May 23, 2013.

  1. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Proxima v1


    Introduction - - -

    A project that had never seen it's release on Halo: Reach has finally be re-imagined and altered to fit Halo 4's more diverse play-style and aesthetics. This map has been designed specifically for competitive play, featuring power weapons on both neutral ends of the map and a symmetrical layout ensuring the fairness of the game. Players spawn already presented with their enemies across the map, (a competitive cliche, I know) and are given the opportunity to fight or take flight immediately. Pushes for the power weapons come quickly as both the sniper and the rail gun are powerful on a map with such dangerous lines of sight...

    Weapons - - -

    Sniper Rifle | 1x | 120 Sec. | 1 Spare Clip | Spawns bottom green
    Rail Gun | 1x | 120 Sec. | 2 Spare Clips | Spawns gold
    DMR | 2x | 30 Sec. | 2 Spare Clips | Spawns on both bases top hall
    Carbine | 1x | 30 Sec. | 2 Spare Clips | Spawns on top green
    Light Rifle | 1x | 30 Sec. | 2 Spare Clips | Spawns on gold

    Screenshots - - -

    Initial Loadout: Pre-game image of Proxima.

    Initial Spawn: From red team's point of view; the whole team spawns on the ramp allowing for players to decide to go up and fight or drop down and avoid enemy fire.

    Enemy Perspective: Red base from blue team's spawn perspective.

    Alternate Base View: This angle shows the path to top green, along with an alternate route; a curling staircase that also leads to top green.

    Stairwell View: One of the longer lines of sight on the map, the stairwell offers for both a dangerous LOS but perhaps an easy cleanup kill!

    Rock Jump: At the far end of the previous image, there is a rock structure that actually serves as a jump up. Below is the version on blue base.

    Bottom Base: This is the view from the bottom of the red base. Although the angles to the bottom of the map are limited, fire can be spent on those atop blue base.

    Top Green's Stairwell: A view of two of the ramp entryways to top green. It also shows the drop-down and lift exit.

    Green's Line of Sight: And finally, the monumental line of sight from top green. This makes for an excellent sniping arrangement, but only if you're aware of the five different directions people can push from.

    I'm interested in any and all comments and criticisms, this is my first "successful" forge piece to be completed on Halo 4.
    #1 Mynx, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2013
  2. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Hey Res, glad to see you're still forging! I haven't seen you post anything new in quiet a while. The forging style of Proxima seems like a pretty significant deviation from to your previous works, but your maps have always been solid so I'll definitely be giving this a download. As soon as I get some games on it I'll let you know what I think about gameplay.

  3. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, since this is my first completed Halo 4 project, I'd suppose it's only natural that the objects I use aren't quite my H:R's top pick! (After all, what else am I supposed to do with these weirdo palettes and disgusting looking struts). Looking forward to possible feedback. Keep your eyes peeled, I'm on a roll it seems.
  4. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good, maybe not as aesthetically pleasing as the original proxima, but design looks solid though. Looks like top green might get a little too much action, can't really tell though :p - Good job :]

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