.Synthesis v2.1 Synthesis is a small-mid sized competitive multiplayer map designed for 2v2 to 4v4 gameplay. Synthesis currently supports: Slayer, KotH, and Oddball. In the aftermath of the fall of Reach, humanity urgently strove to discover a new planet in which to call home; however, despite humanity's years of space exploration, no planet had previously been discovered which could support life. On many of these uninhabitable planets, scientists performed tests to artificially foster life. Scientists were able to extract energy from the planet's star and successfully synthesize chlorophyll. This artificial chlorophyll was then pumped into the planets crust in the attempt to foster plant growth. While the project proved successful the it was ultimately terminated as a result of limited funding. Though long abandoned, this facility continues to flourish. Weapons on Map Frag Grenade 2x 45 sec Plasma Grenade 4x 45 sec Pulse Grenade 2x 45 sec Ordinance Drops Scatter-Shot: 120 sec Sticky Detonator: 120 sec Rail Gun: 120 sec Synthesis has gone through several iterations and had numerous testings, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to everyone who has already given feedback! May the Forge gods smile upon you. -Hydrolysis
I'm loving the look of this. But where exactly do both teams spawn? Could you update the overview screenshot? Another thing. Are both teams equidistant from all power weapons?
Glad you like it man. Yes, both teams spawn equidistant from the power weapons. The Red and Blue teams spawn in the opposing "hallways" on the map (In the overview image that's the far left and far right walk-ways). Just so that it's more clear, I'll update the overview image asap. Thanks for the feedback.
Awesome map, the best map I've ever seen on this shitty canvas. Good work with the aestethics too. I'll download it because it deserves it. This Map is awesome, too cool. Is better than the other maps on this forum. This map is just gourgeous. The colorfull colors, an especially the Tree Trees in the middle. AH, did you get it? Tree TRees at the middle. Hasdasdasdads Awesome map. I like how you made the 1x4 block with the teleporter Frames in the middle. That is really cool. I think other people should die if they didnt downloaded it yet. Because people spends time doing those shits and anyone play in than, what a shame. I really would kill people if they doesnt add my maps on their local system. Its awfull. But this is life. Cus everyone here is Poser, or Bronies, or just Gays. <3 you Hydrolysis, I'll contact all my friends to download this map,even the ones that doesnt play halo anymore. Because they'll be back into halo before I show this map for then. ;D
Haha, thanks man. I don't know about everyone here being, "Posers, or Bronies, or just Gays." but I get what you're saying! I know you know what it's like to put a lot of time and energy into creating a quality map. And how disappointing it then can be when the community doesn't receive it very well (Haha, or when Psycho Duck posts a map on the same day...you're bound to be outmatched!). Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback! Let me know if you ever get a chance to give it a play-test!
Alright, I played a 2v2 on this map earlier and here's what I thought. The map was very fun and there wasn't a boring moment in the game. The map has good flow, cover, verticality and sightlines. I also like how at the center, the bottom floor used the actual land of Forge Island. It added variety to the map and it prevented it from being bland. The only issue I have with it is because you only colored the outer ring with one color, callouts were kind of hard to make. For example. "I'm one shot at Cyan!" "Where in Cyan?"
Wow man, this map looks great! If you wanna make a little playtest let me know... I'd really like to try this out
Haha idk man, who's lobby were you in? Or are you talking about online!? Haha, if you're talking about it being in an online playlist that's news to me! I'll definitely let you know. I might try and get some games on this Thursday evening. -Hydro
Hey thanks a bunch man! Thanks for the critique. In the end that's all we have to make our maps better and become better forgers. I earlier versions of the map I had more color throughout the map (for call-outs as you mentioned); however, I wasn't a big fan of the way that it made the map feel very "pastel-like". So I ultimately decided to make the map all the same color. My thought was that people could use call-outs such as "Left" or "Right Hallway" (similar to Narrows from H3) or "East" or "West Hallway" (similar to Haven), but I'll definitely take your thoughts into consideration. Thanks again, -Hydro
The map itself looks great, although I haven't actually played it. However, don't take this the wrong way, but Reach wasn't the first (or the last) habitable planet discovered by the UNSC, but aside from that I really like the description, I know how difficult it can be to think of the damn things. Perhaps you could change the start of it to be more along the lines of this: In the aftermath of the fall of Reach, the UNSC realised that the covenant couldn't be stopped, so they found planets that were far away and uninhabitable, in the hope that the covenant would never find them. On many of these uninhabitable planets, scientists performed tests to artificially foster life. Scientists were able to extract energy from the planet's star and successfully synthesize chlorophyll. This artificial chlorophyll was then pumped into the planets crust in the attempt to foster plant growth. While the project proved successful the it was ultimately terminated as a result of limited funding. Though long abandoned, this facility continues to flourish.
Above comment is irrelevant to the map design, but anyways, since this has been necrobumped already: What's happened to this map since I last talked to you? Are you still working on it or have you moved on? The pictures look the same..
Haha, thanks for the critique. I'll update the description when I make update the thread with the changes that I am currently making to the map. Hey man, nah, I haven't moved on. I've just been terribly busy. I got a summer internship as a software developer and haven't had the time to invest in the map as of late. I've done a lot of work, but it's not at a place where I can post images of it unfortunately! But when it's finally updated you'll be the first to know! Thanks again for all your help/advice on the map. It's really made me think differently about the way I make maps. -Hydrolysis