Found a couple B&W stocks of kendrick lamar today, got inspired to make a wallpaper. Worked on this for alittle, but I definitely don't wanna call it done, just don't know what direction I should take, anyother opinions are great, hope you like! V2:
The style is a little.. different, but it seems fairly clean. I'm not a huge fan of the light purple (pink)/yellow color scheme. What puts me off is the strong emphasis on the left of the screen. If you're going to add those streaks then the safe way to go is to add them to the whole image to help balance the composition. As is, I find myself staring at the left side. What makes it worse is the giant white chunk to the right-ish, really doesn't match the rest of the image. Also, the effect you put on the whole image makes it look pixelated and blurred imo. Kinda distorts everything. Anyways, not the most articulate critique but meh, been a long day. Hope it helps.
Tried to touch it up today, might be alittle too busy now, idk, but heres my edit of it pertaining to your critique and my own thoughts.
Yeah, it does seem too busy now. You could try erasing some of those. I think there's an issue in the contrast, I'm seeing a lot of grey in the guy's t-shirt and in various places around the image. My suggestions: -Erase some of those streaks or overlay them or something to make them less.. out there -Up the contrast so the whites are whiter and the darks darker (not grey as they are now) -Maybe up the vibrance/saturation in his shirt... too much grey to me (lol) I like the star effect, though it combined with the streaks makes it kinda busy. The star effect takes away from the big white splotch too, which helps. You can have white splotches just not one giant one in one area.. Anyways, nice touches, could use some more. Hope to see an update.