Orbital Drop Shock SPARTAN

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by WADE W1LS0N, May 16, 2013.

  1. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

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    Orbital Drop Shock SPARTAN Created by WADE W1LS0N

    Resting in the clouds high above Memorial Peak Testing Grounds is the UNSC Deadpool, currently serving as a combat training zone for the ODSS. Here, equipped with Orbital Drop Class MJOLNIR (otherwise known as a no fall damage trait zone covering the entirety of the ground area below the ship, aided by several trait zones on the way down which increase movement speed and gravity to the max ensuring that the 'orbital drop' is as much a rush as possible), you will be given the opportunity to earn your wings as an ODSS Graduate.

    This is a fairly large map in total (ideal for BTB, my primary aim when putting it together), but it is also split into 2 entirely separate sections, the space ship up above and the landmass down below, offering vastly different environments and play-styles. On board the ship there is a Scorpion Tank (Lower Purple Deck, Garage) and a Gauss Hog (Lower Green Deck, Stern Cargo Bay) ready and waiting to be transported down to the surface. There are also 2 Drop-Mantis Units (Upper Red and Blue Decks, follow the gold coloring to reach them) ready to be launched, and 2 Drop-Chutes available for Infantry Drops (Lower Red and Blue Decks in the 'bunker, round' sections, the entrances to which can be found on the Lower Green Deck, Central Cargo Hold next to the Rocket Launcher). Please remember, a straight down drop is a guaranteed safe landing, but there's nothing stopping the more adventurous SPARTANS among you from opting for a far riskier 'self-targeted drop' when the situation calls for it (please see my fileshare 'Orbital Drop Assassination' replay for further info in regards to 'self-targeted drops' ;)

    This map also supports Flood.

    The map in full, both ship and land[​IMG]

    The ship - UNSC Deadpool

    Ship - side view

    Ship - rear view

    What waits down below ...if you're brave enough to earn your ODSS wings that is ;)


    Bridge, Navigation[​IMG]

    Purple Deck, Main Hall[​IMG]

    Drop-Mantis, Exterior[​IMG]

    Drop-Mantis, interior[​IMG]

    Gold leads to Mantis btw ;)[​IMG]

    Walkway to Bridge[​IMG]

    Central Hold, aka Grav-Hammer Alley[​IMG]

    Rear Hold, Gauss Hog[​IMG]

    Purple Deck, Garage[​IMG]

    Infantry Drop-Chute; to jump, or perhaps not to jump, the choice is yours, SPARTAN ...but if you want those wings ;)[​IMG]

    Lower Deck, Central Hold[​IMG]

    Upper Central Hub, Ore Sampling[​IMG]

    One last look at the ship, front view ;)[​IMG]
    #1 WADE W1LS0N, May 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You need to include the actual screenshots in your post. Not just links to the images.
  3. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Ok, I found the screenshot posting guide and fixed it :)
    #3 WADE W1LS0N, May 16, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  4. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

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    Well, I really would like to know where I'm going wrong on this site because at present it seems like a complete and total waste of time and effort my posting on here. This is the second map I've worked a good few weeks on and posted on here (the first was on Reach, so quite a while back). The Reach map received 2 comments (one of which was informing me I'd done the screenshots wrong) and a far from grand total of about 10 downloads. Now this one, which has so far received 1 comment (pointing out I'd done the screenshots wrong again - d'oh) and an even less grand total of about 5 downloads thus far. I put my maps on here in the hope of receiving some feedback on them after they've been played since the only chance I ever get to try them out personally is splitscreen with a somewhat lackluster player count of 3 (including myself) ...meaning I really am just wasting my time so far as this site is concerned since no one here is playing it, or the few that are can't be assed to comment on it I guess, but either way, I'm about ready to give up wasting time and effort because I've already done more than my fair share of that making these maps.
  5. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    better pictures might help bro. i dont usually download maps unless i like the look of them...sorry to say that you havn't included any pics that are driving me to download your map. p.s. wats with the cross?
  6. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Low downloads? Have you ever considered that the people who looked at your map didn't like it? You shouldn't give up just like that.

    Plus, all the screenshots you put here only gave an overview of the map. You didn't show what was inside.

    How can people comment on the map when they barely see good pics to help them make that comment.
    #6 Zandril, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  7. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

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    There's no meaning to the cross beyond my needing something of interest to put down below and having nothing left to make it out of asides from natural rock, cargo containers and trees, after using everything else up on the ship ...I tried making a rock + container type small mountain, but it didn't work out with the only rocks I had available to me (although, on that subject, why on earth would they put 2 of the rocks in 'buildings', sure makes building mountainous type stuff a lot more difficult than it used to be if you've used all your buildings?) and the cross came about after fiddling with the rocks for several hours and coming up with nothing else workable.
  8. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well then post screenshots with what's INSIDE the ship.
  9. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    You have to be extremely persuasive if you expect a response. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the greatest way is through contributing to the community, such as giving constant feedback to others. Some other great ways are having great aesthetics and appealing to your specific audience. Besides (I mean this with no offense), would you download a map if you thought it was unattractive in the images, did not appeal to you, or none of your friends had made it? You have been on this site for two years, and you have only given feedback once. We forumgoers are just like you; we are people, and you need to accept that less persuasion is less effort on your map.
  10. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

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    Well if they didn't like it they could have at least told me so and why, and hopefully give me some suggestions on potential improvements that could be made. And sorry about the pics, it never occurred to me to be honest, I'll get some interior shots when I get chance and add them, but it was all designed with game-play in mind first and foremost (well, perhaps a little behind wanting to build a space-ship map, but quite a few decorative bits off the ship were sacrificed in the name of game-play before the job was finished lol) and the ship does have a fully playable interior. Asides from the basic map design itself though, what I really need help with is weapon layout (I suck at this, I'm way too power weapon happy and can't seem to stop myself from chucking them all in every map I make, plus the whole ordinance drop thing was something new that I have very little experience either laying out or playing with - I've still only really done the campaign and spartan ops so far and have barely touched multiplayer) and the game-types other than slayer because slayer is all I've ever really played so the other modes were all put together following game-type setup guides.
  11. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Again, you have been on this forum for two years, and you have only given feedback once to a map you liked. It is much more difficult to wish to play on something and give feedback if you do not even like it.

    Here are some reasons why people did not want to download this:

    • limited showing in pictures
    • ship gives feel of aesthetic map, scaring away competitive players
    • ODSS fanlore was apparently unappealing to uninterested competitive players

    I will download your map and play it in the next gaming lobby I join, but do not expect it to be this easy ever again.
  12. WADE W1LS0N

    WADE W1LS0N Forerunner

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    Thanks, much appreciated, and a big thanks to anyone else who has commented.

    I have a feeling my weapon spawns are not going to be popular and may require some (or A LOT) of work lol so any advice on that issue in particular would be very much appreciated, at present I've genuinely tried to limit the weapons, but I checked on some of the official maps and it seems I have a lot more power weapons than either Bungie or 343 generally seem to use (but then, with the vehicles available on my map the anti vehicle weapons seemed kind of necessary, to me at least ...and I'm kind of ashamed to say I just can't help slipping some snipers into any and all maps). Although I'm more than willing to make changes to the weapons if anyone has a better suggestion than my current setup, or at least a suggestion on the sort of weapon limits I should be looking into.

    And yeah, I went for a sort of aesthetic look (with it being a spaceship and all ;), but I built with game-play in mind over aesthetics (well, I built for game-play to the best of my limited forging abilities, whilst still attempting to maintain a space ship look at least ;).

    (and no, the 'limited forging abilities' bit really wasn't just a joke ...I've literally put in nearly 300 hours building this potential atrocity lol)

    Ah, I didn't even know there was an ODSS fanlore (although, how could anyone possibly be against the idea of dropping SPARTAN-bombs in from orbit?!? lol) ...I actually thought I'd created that one myself, d'oh lol

    Anyways, I'm at work at the moment, but with a little luck I should have some free time to add some interior shots later on tonight :)

    Sorry for the delay in getting the interior screenshots up ...the mrs hijacked the xbox for netflix last night ...sigh lol
    #12 WADE W1LS0N, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  13. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    play more than just campaign and spartan ops for a start...ordnance drops are easy as! a good thing to note for weapons on maps is 'less is more'...it makes it funner when players are fighting for weapons instead of just strolling along picking up whatever they want.
  14. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you think that posting a map here automatically gets you noticed and recognized then you are incorrect. A few suggestions:

    -as said above, become more active in the community. People are MUCH more likely to click on, download, and respond to your map if they know you.

    -learn your audience ,here on forgehub there are all kinds of players who prefer all kinds of maps. Some maps however are more popular, for example competitive maps and flood maps are arguably the most popular here. Appeal to your audience by becoming an exceptional forger in the "niche" you choose.

    -accept any and all criticism

    -often overlooked but yet very important is thread presentation. This can make your thread stand out and more appealing to potential viewers or players.

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