First time posting here, this seemed like the right place to put this (sorry if it isn't) But, I was wondering if anyone can help me troubleshoot something. I'm trying to recreate in Halo 4 a KOTH map/game type my friends and I used to play in H3. But, for some reason, the game type and map I've been working are incompatible with each other. The game won't tell me why, and it's starting to get frustrating. If anyone can help, please respond.
I thought the game type label for the hill markers was KOTH_HILL ???? Make sure also that the SPAWN SEQUENCE numbers for the hills are different from each other and that they run 1, 2, 3, ... so that it only plays one hill at a time.
basically what Clint mentioned. If you have several hills, set the spawn sequence in the order you would like them to spawn.
Very helpful, thanks. It was such a fun game type in H3, could never get it to work right in Reach (reminiscent of KOTH on Midship in H2) a ton of fun, and that should help greatly. But boy, now I feel a tad ridiculous.
Hmm, it won't allow me to change the game type label. I can set game specific to True, but I can't change the label. I can't scroll to the left or right. EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out I had to boot up Forge WITH Crayon Game (the name of our variant) as the game type. Should be all set now.