for some reason this reminds me of halo 2 lol but anyways nice job with interlocking this must have took you forever to finish
yea i was gonna say that about the similarity of the reactor core in both dynamics and your maps. Also i absolutely love this map, it just looks really nice, i guess the biggest easthetic touch for me is the sheild doors and the curve on the wall to the floor. Very nicely done cant wait to play.
Awesome very clean, very cool and very fun odd to see the main weapon on a map being a needler seems creative to me.
This looks really nice, Q'd it. But those gametypes, what exactly do they comprise of? Are they absolutely necessary or is it just an ease of use thing. I mean, if there are a lot of changes, then yeah, I'm too lazy to do it all every time I want to play this map, but if it's only a couple of things, it's easier and takes less space to do it when i need to. If you get what I mean? So could we get a few more details about those please?
Ravin' all night long when I was playing with you guys. ALL NIGHT LONG. BTW, is this what you were asking my permission for? Damn, I wish I made this.
Now this... this I like! Just a solid map. Great forging. Nothing looks bad, all of the map looks so clean cut! The most beutiful part is the center square console that looks similar to the one in Radiation. Good job Chips, I can't believe I'm seeing this good of work from you so early on.
i was gonna say the same thing i thought u made a perfect cone/circle there for a second, nice job with the pictures and i like the center structure
I'm sure this was directed at Chips, but I'm looking at this map's beauty again, so I'll try to answer. The gametype hosts grenade settings, starting weapons, custom power-up traits, and I'm sure there are less obvious things. I found it much easier to DL the gametypes. Flag is THE BEST.
I love Sheild walls. Don't know why eveyrone else hates them. And this map seems to use pretties ^_^ Therefore, good sir, you have earned my DL Thank you for making this great map