Hidden Optimal Player Count: 6-12 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, CTF, Extraction, Flood Ordnance: Needler x2, Pulse Grenades x2, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Energy Sword Download it here. Let me know what you think of the map. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I'm not really feeling it towards the tin cups. I don't think they go with the texture of the rocks. (I'm talking about the third screenshot) However, the map looks good from the overview. And since you built it slightly above the water, there's that cool misty effect. I think 4v4 will play well on it. Of course, I haven't played on this map so I can't really say for sure. But I like the look of it and I can see myself downloading this soon.
I did'nt add the tin cups for aesthetics. They are the primary route to the roof of the center structures. They really don't look that bad though. I think merging any type of block would have looked worse. Just pretend they are some sort of giant fungus. That makes them look better.
Im not really sure what this means. Is this some sort of positive feedback. I thought you were blasting people for leaving this type of feedback. I really am interested in finding out how this map plays.
I believe he was being sarcastic in regards to how some pieces are... interlocked... eg. the 5th pic where the platform merges with the 1x1 thins. Looks rather unorthodox but doesnt look too bad. Or I could be completely wrong and he was actually giving you a compliment... haha. I've seen some of your asymmetric maps and you have some real potential. This map looks great in a few regards. It has some well defined, relatively cleanly forged areas which are very nice. The one thing though which I find a bit iffy is those tin cups. Not because of their shape but because of how much they contrast with the rocks. I know you said it might look ugly but have you mucked around with replacing them with rocks? Or even changing the rock to a few trees with some interlocking platforms that spiral up ive seen it done nicely. That's just my opinion man aside from that the map looks great top effort.
you should keep the tincups just because you are using them in a unique way that I haven't seen before.
Gave her a decent runthrough in Forge. First off I really enjoy the design and the layout of the map. The the main structures look well put together and don't feel too difficult to either attack or defend, and each seem to have at least a few good ways in and out and there's a lot of ways to navigate the map. And as JKaddict said, very nice use of the Tin Cup pieces for jump-ups. They both look and work really nice. The only little thing I found wrong in the base construction was an area in Blue Base where there was a gap in the floor, seen here: Spoiler I was able to fix it immediately by just editing the coordinates of the 3x3 Flat and the Corner 4x4 (as well as the Corner 4x4 in the top right of the screen to keep in line). They snapped right into place without any other adjustments needed. Beyond that, there were a few points on the map that are very easy to get to and could be very easy to exploit in Flood games: Spoiler ^^^That little ledge there just above the water and against those rocks. That spot would be extremely easy for a human to hunker down in in Flood. ^^^Similar to the above screenshot. The ledge along the outside of the rocks there and that ramped ledge would make a very easy spot for someone to hide and defend against Flood. ^^^And here as well, the little ledge on the outside of this railing here (Blue Base in the background). It'd be an easy place for a human to crouch down and camp in Flood mode. Simple kill zones would probably be the easiest way to deal with these, but additional rock surfaces, or in the case of the railing one just moving it out further to eliminate that lip, would probably be effective as well. The only other potentially exploitable areas outside the map that I saw were these, but they're much more difficult to get to without a jetpack: Spoiler ^^^This one has the potential to be a Flood issue as well because it's very close as to whether or not someone would be able to drop down from the above bridge platform and catch the lip below, but if they do, good luck to anyone else trying to kill them. ^^^I don't believe this one would be accessible without a jetpack, especially with the kill zone placement one would have to get through to get down there, but it's possible. So just another, maybe even a hard kill zone, covering this area behind Red Base would be an easy enough way to eliminate it all together. Very nice map design, overall.
Thank you Sup3rno7a. I will add killzones to these areas and bump out that railing a little. Thank you so much for taking such a thorough look at it. If you ever need the same from me, I would be happy to oblige. I'll be sending you a FR.
I think he'll make it more balanced soon. But it is definitely a powerful position seeing as we managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by being able to control the tower at the end during the testing.
The fact that we were able to rush that tower and gain the lead in like 30 seconds proves that this area isn't too overpowered anymore. The railings have been flipped removing the safety factor of being up there and there are enough ways in that no one can lock this area down. I think players just automatically want high ground so they flock to this location even though it isn't as much of a stronghold as it seems to be. Once people play more matches on this and know the map better, I think that the draw to this location will fade. I do like having locations to fight over on my maps like this though. As long as the entire match doesn't take place fighting over the tower, the map works great. I would like to run more testing with the same group to test this theory. Just because this looks like an obvious dominant position doesn't mean much. There are plenty of areas along the cliffside with good cover not to mention the tops of the two central buildings and the tin cups leading up that allow players to takedown people in the tower from a distance. Unless an entire team moves up here and covers all angles, there might be an issue, but I think equal teamwork from the team below could counteract this. To me it all comes down to how the players want the map to play. The map isn't linear enough to force unwanted situations.
Sure man. Have you added the other guys? If you want, I can send you their GTs. You can also find them on my friends list.
So the match we just ran. I think this one spread out over the map rather nicely. I'm glad people seem to like the tin cups too. I fixed the hard kills that hit a couple of us so that was a one time issue. I think it may be just right. Oh yeah, the weapons layout. The rocket launcher currently spawns on the tower, and the sniper rifle on the cliffside. Needlers and Pulse grenades in the bases. How are these drop locations working for people. Do I need to add more weapons?
I think the weapons placed on the map work rather nicely. One thing though. Since the grav lift to the tower is still an issue, have you thought of using a man cannon instead. Just tilt it so that it throws the players right at the 45-degree piece at the top. I also used to have problems with grav lifts on my map we play-tested on, Garrison. I replaced those grav lifts with mancannons and they worked perfectly every time. Just a thought.
The weapons seem to work fine and the tower doesn't seem so dominating now. That lift is definitely an issue. I noticed a problem respawn. Red base at the top of the tunnel/cave ramp in the bottom someone spawned last night right in the line of sight of three of our guys. He was immediately put down. You may want to move that one further down the ramp for cover.
I could use some help with the lift. I moved these spawn points and added some brace tunnels for cover and as another route up to the top of the square buildings in the center. Was the lift not getting you all the way up? It usually works for me. Maybe a one way shield is the answer? Anyway, I'm anxious to get more games in on this map with you. Thanks for all the helpful feedback!
I didn't have any issues using the grav-lift in my runthrough, but I did notice that I didn't seemed to be...ejected away from the hole as far as I was expecting to be once I reached the top. I didn't mention it before because I assumed you just didn't want the players to be thrown out like that. If that is the desired effect, though, maybe the Glass Cover piece could just be nudged a bit so that the player hits the 45* angle of the glass better when they get to the top?