Geomerge help plox.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by R0CKET M00SE, May 25, 2008.

  1. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I, sinlgeclick, and my forge partner, xxtequilajoexx, make up forge vortex. together we make maps and have recently been accepted into the ghosts of onyx, as a ghost.

    We are working on a new map, it is secrete, so i will only tell the name to whomever helps us.

    We need someone to geomerge one object for us. You MUST be a perfectionist, as I am. We need a double wall merged into the ground so that the top of the wall is at the height of the window sill on the window panel.

    For your cooperation, your name will be featured in the description, as well as the map post.

    I will be on xbox live later today.

    Please post wheather or not you can help us, and do not flame me about my spelling, or how dumb i am not being able to geomerge properly.

    I am going on xbox live now(2:02 pm acording to FH's clock) , but will still be checking this thread.
    #1 R0CKET M00SE, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    what do u mean by the window SILL like the top of the window pannel or the top of the metal part
  3. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forge Vortex. Can you please check your spelling and instead of plox, use propper English. I just can't take you seriously right now.

    As for your request I can do this.
  4. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    to be honest, its not that hard ... why not look up how to do it, and do it yourself?

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