...Wow, this thread really took off in the past 3 hours.. Fenix Hulk, it seems that you're the type who would love anthony robbins (I believe that's his voiceover in the first video you posted). I get your type of inspiration all the time from my brother (he's a lifting junky just like you, went to state in high school wrestling, etc. etc.). And I think it's perfectly fine to do what makes you happy and what pumps you up, but the problem is that so many people do it for the incentive of "you can be better than all those other drones," and it's just largely arrogance because there will always be people who have do drone work. And trust me, there's little to no euphoria in doing drone work. To me, acknowledging that the world is (at least currently) unfair is acknowledging that sometimes people have to find mental peace in what is, largely, a crappy job.. or at least a crappy routine. I don't think this video's talking about trying to cage your motivation, but it's more about finding humility and a mental peace of mind when you're doing the daily grunt work for something (hopefully) big. They say with familiarity breeds contempt. David Foster Wallace is trying to breech that contempt, not necessarily completely transform the person. Anyways, I don't mean to start a fight, just want to say that there's room for that inspirational stuff, just not so much in the context Wallace is talking about... at least imo.
What i got from the video was, Doesn't matter if your achieving the most amazing things in world or doing boring grunt work, Live in the moment doesn't matter why or how you got where you are at the moment just enjoy it because everyone dies. "I'm in shitty job in shitty line waiting for shitty shopping, I'm gonna stand here depressed" or "Hey peanut butter and BBQ chips i wonder how they will taste together lol" I know which mindset i would rather. (sure its hard to be upbeat when your down but when something enjoyable happens there is no benefit to thinking "No I'm depressed I'm not allowed to enjoy that now")
I've only watched up until 2:47 (and do intend on finishing right now) but I must say, this really is inspiring. Life sucks. Be damned if i'm that old lady at the checkout lane some day. Thanks for this!