
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by CaveatEmptor MM, May 11, 2013.

  1. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    "A Place between Earth and Hades, where the Dead have to pass through"

    By CaveatEMptor MM
    Alias MadMax



    Erebos started off as an first attempt of forging an asymetrical yet competetive map.
    As i wasnt very pleased with the results i scrapped it and took some of it’s ideas and turned it in an inverse Symmetrical map.

    The map itsself is still in beta Stage but im very happy with the layout and the general atmosphere.
    I’ve already tried to test it with some random players, but i think it will need proper testing from people who actually understand whats making a good map.
    So i need your help Forgehub Community to eliminate eventual issues and give it a final Polish

    So let me hear your Feedback,

    .....all of it


    Erebos was designed as an Inverse-symmetrical 4v4 map with circular Flow.

    I’ve put a strong emphasis on top mid Control. To succsesfully do that teamwork is very much needed.
    You’ll notice, that the architecture is inspired alot by Halo 2’s „Warlock“ but i incorporated my own Mapdesign into it.

    I Recommend to play that map with up to 4 – 8 Players Team or FFA.

    Erebos supports:

    All Slayer variants,
    King of the HiLL ,
    Capture the Flag,

    Best Gametypes are Slayer and Capture the flag.

    Inital Ordnance:

    Overshield / 176s – Top Mid
    Railgun / 176s – Top Green
    Sticky detonator / 176s - Top pruple

    Weapons on map:

    Dmr 2x
    BR 4x
    Lightrifle 2x

    Frag Grenades 4x
    Plasma Grenades 4x
    Pule Grenades 4x






    Overall im very proud of this map, Especially the many „TacJumps“ that are build in there. I really enjoyed forging it.

    Whats remains to be done is, that i need to find players to test the map.
    As im from europe, testing with you could be difficult ;), i’ll also post in the Testers Guild.

    Enjoy you stay and give me feedback!
    #1 CaveatEmptor MM, May 11, 2013
    Last edited: May 11, 2013
  2. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is your map supposed to look like a swastika?
  3. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I did **** that.

    A final solution?
    #3 J DawgMillenium, May 11, 2013
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  4. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Anyways the map looks alright. Don't see to many symetrical room based maps. I would also recomend bringing the spawn timers down or setting them to never. This way you arn't waiting for 3 minutes for a powerweapon to show up. Especially with it being 4v4.
  5. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    Believe me or not, this was completely unintentional, it just turned out like that......although im german
    Maybe i should find a different solution for both the green and the purple area, any suggestions ?
  6. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Its not really a problem. It doesnt look like a swasti-however the **** you spell it. BTW Welcome to forgehub!
    #6 Narfidy444, May 13, 2013
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  7. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Look at the highest elevated walkways from the overview (made out of Brace, Larges and 4x4 blocks). Bam, swastika. It is especially difficult to make such a unique image accidentally (even more so if you made a sketch beforehand), but I will trust you for now, Op.

    Gameplay-wise: the map lacks power weapons, encouraging players to "camp" in their spawning locations. This effect is amplified by the fact that each corner of the map is the same, the center is a deathtrap, and there are few entrances into each base. Also, there isn't much...structure. There are four corners with a rock in each one separated by four (Berlin) walls. It lacks real verticality and any real complexity.

    Op, you have three options:
    1. Find a way to solve these issues on the current map.
    2. Take this feedback "with a grain of salt."
    3. Scrap this map, rework your ideas on paper, and begin anew.

    I would prefer the third, but it is your choice. I hope you did not take this negatively, and welcome to ForgeHub! :)
  8. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    Here you have a closer look at the RedBase, as you mentioned the Areas are indeed the Same.


    • One Way Teleporter in left bottom corner, leading to top red.
    • In the Top Left Corner you see the lift leading to pruple Base.
    • From the Rocks you can jump in every direction and backwards, promoting creative flanking. They also serve as cover.
    • Flank Tunnels at the Bottom
    • In conlcusion you have a lot of options in which way you want to approach an Area
    • The upper walkways are more open, this disencourages camping
    • Power Weapons are Sticky Detonator Top Purple, Railgun Top Green and an Overshield Top Mid, respawning every 3 Minutes.
    • In addition, there are plenty of Nades.
    Thx for your feedback, i'm always looking out for improvements. I'm currently working on a different version of this map, which will take the feedback i gather in consideration.
  9. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    You do realize a Swastika pattern is common for a large number of multiplayer maps in various games right? While some may interpret it as a **** Swastika, others may simply see a central hub with a spiral pattern coming off from the sides. This looks like a nice symmetrical map and I'm interested to see how well it plays, although I would recommend taking into account some of the previous advice given about clearing up some space and not having it be so cramped.
    #9 Zemmiphobiac, May 13, 2013
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  10. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    Thx for your feedback, as im from europe testing with you could be difficult and at the moment im on a hectic schedule.
    I submitted this to the testers guild and and also made a post on the HaloCouncil for gathering further feedback. As soon as i got more time i will do a revamp on which i will do playtests.

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