Note still a work in progress. The map is a redesign of Trident from the ground up which was partially forced upon me due to the limitations of Forge. The Dam side of the map which used to feature mancannons has been stripped away in favor for a much simpler design which also acts as an emergency spawn if one team is unfortunate enough to be spawned killed. I've forged it on Impact using the prebuilt structure to serve as a line of sight blocker from base to base which was a common complaint with the version in Reach. Some other notes: - Now features a banshee with substantial aerial cover. - All weapon drops are predetermined. - Weapons are as follows, --- Sniper x2 --- Saw x2 --- Scattershot x2 --- Laser x1 --- Railgun x1 --- Overshield x1 Video: Neptune Flythrough Blue Base: Banshee Spawn: Ghost/Laser Spawn: Red Turret: Thanks to Yozi for taking the time to make this video + screenshots
It looks like it could support maybe 4v4? Could we get an overview of the entire map? From what I can see, it looks good to me, i will probably DL this one and get back to you?
I would say it's a little big for 4vs4 so would play very slow leading to boring gameplay. GamerTag is - HWM BlacKnight Or you can get it by searching for the tags "BPBTB" "BPNeptune" I don't have a complete overview yet but at the end of the video it zooms out so you can get a rough idea from that. All the images can be found here in a slideshow Link
First, thanks for making a BTB map. Second it looks great and looks like it plays great too. I just have one aesthetic suggestion from watching the video. It would look much nicer if you would put a couple lights in each of the bases where there is no dynamic lighting coming through...maybe 2 blue lights in the blue base and 2 red in the red?
I'll play around with that idea and see what I can do. Currently I have one light above the room triples but as you say it might be better having them inside the base.
Hey, I've been looking for this map! Is there a download link somewhere? (gotta dig in and see how this site works ) Edit/PS: Any plans to remake this down by the water? (that would be teh awesome...)
I really enjoyed Trident in Reach, and this looks incredible! Way to utilize that center structure--and the entire Impact palette in general. I can't wait to play this.
Yeah, the only thing is, it's not Trident without the water and without the man-cannon I'm wondering if this can be remade on the water by a forge island using the huge shields to stop you from drowning...