
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by makisupa007, May 11, 2013.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Makisupa 007

    Palindrome is a heavily wooded, symmetrical, medium sized map located under a giant greenhouse dome on the medium sized island.

    The centerpiece of the map is a circular tunnel that houses the rocket spawn. The tunnel is visible after climbing a ramp to the second level. Long sight lines in this narrow tunnel make for great battles right off of initial spawn, while both teams sprint towards rockets.

    Tunnels run underneath the structure as well, but sight lines are shortened here, for close combat fighting on the main level. On either side of the tunnel are cylindrical buildings, where the other power weapons spawn.

    The team bases are built into the curved dome. They arch out towards the center of the map along the outside walls, leaving three entrances, two on the outside walls and one in center near the back wall. The bases have ramped defensive walls just outside the main entrance.

    Recommended Gametypes:

    1. Slayer
    2. CTF
    3. KOTH
    5. Oddball
    6. SWAT
    7. Snipers

    Weapon Count:
    4 DMR's
    4 - BR's
    1 - Rocket Launcher
    1 - Sniper Rifles
    1 - Shotgun
    1 - Saw
    4 - Plasma Grenades















    Please enjoy Palindrome. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

    #1 makisupa007, May 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2013
  2. H3robr1n3

    H3robr1n3 Promethean

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    I had to specially log in for this map after my usual browsing without doing so. Well first things first, this map looks great. I have already downloaded it, and from a forge perspective, the map looks very well built as a whole. Obviously, I am yet to have played on it, but I plan on doing so very soon (maybe tonight with a couple friends). The lines of sight appear good, and there is a good amount of cover available on the map. It appears as if this map is likely to earn a permanent place on my harddrive! In all seriousness, I really give you a job well done on this map, because it looks great. Add me on xbl my GT is H3robr1n3, maybe we can do some co-forging sometime.

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