NYMERIA Hi again guys. so this is the remake of 'Forgotten Halls' on Ravine now. Game types - Slayer, KOTH, Squad slayer... Weapons - Rockets - Spawn from start at middle Green Long hall (120 sec re-spawn), but only has one extra clip. - Sniper - (1 for each team) located level 1 (far left red base, far right blue base), 90 sec re-spawn, one extra clip. - Dmr, BR scattered about the map for those refills we always seem to need. - Bolt**** located level two, up the first incline both teams encounter (from red base spawn - first incline on the left, blue is opposite). - Scattershot located top middle. - Shotgun located bottom middle Random Ordnance Damage Boost located top Purple. Overshield opposite Rail gun located up the incline closest to green Long hall edge. Grenades Only Frags located around map. Tried to add in more cover throughout the map without it looking out of place...feedback please! EDIT: Updated photo's above. enjoy. let me know what ya think about the new updates guys. looks a bit different. hopefully in a good way! tMULKS
Tom, I gotta say, you push out maps awfully quickly. I think you should spend more time on the aesthetics of the map and fixing previous maps as opposed to simply getting maps out as quickly as possible. Anyway: Name doesn't really suit the map. When I think "Forgotten Halls" I think massive, escalating series of hallways making it's way around a central, ancient looking structure. This most certainly isn't that. Not to big an issue of course, just thought I'd point it out. Aesthetics on the map could be a lot better, and while I can tell it's more "Gameplay First, Aesthetics second" on your maps, which is wonderful and I'm sure the gameplay is great; very few people want to play on an amazing map that lacks really good aesthetics. I'm not sure if you have budget left to support aesthetical pieces, but I think it could make the map a whole lot better. The ramps could also be better. They look very out of place to me. The map itself, despite the colours you added, looks very, very grey. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just begins to look very boring after a while. Keep in mind, this is more opinion than anything. I'll download the map and run through it to offer suggestions on things that could need to be changed.
It looks like you used way too many blocks. It'd be nice to see some variation from the pieces you use. The map also looks a tad bit rushed. It wouldn't hurt to have better aesthetics as well. Another thing, people usually don't like maps that are floating in the air. If budget allows, you should put some pillars or something to "hold the map up".
haha thanks for tht feedback man i really appreciate any and all i can get. i like forging and it jsut so happened that this last week and a bit iv been at home because of an injury so iv had way too much time up my sleeve. so if the maps feel rushed. maybe they are, but its mainly because i make them within a few hours. sometime im just bored sitting on my computer watching an episode of suits or soemthing and i just doodle ideas down on a notepad. sometime these work out. sometime they dont. as im sure u would know! i agree with the name not fitting th map. il probably change it as soon as i can think of a more suitable one. any ideas? i do like to put gameplay before Aesthetics. but i also like great looking maps too, this is something i can definitely work on as i get better at forge. i hope i can balance tht out eventually. budget. always the question. i like to challenge myself to not need an infinite budget (purest or something along those lines) but i dont even know if an infinite budget is possible anyway, mainly because im new to the club. it would be a lot easier to make maps the way we want them without limitations. but as i said, i dont know if thats possible or not. i can understand the ramps looking a little weird, ill think about that when im on the map next for sure. i also agree that it is very grey looking, any tips for changing that up? thanks heaps for the feedback, much appreciated. tMULKS
A good substitute to building blocks are inclines. We get 100 of them and they only take 10$ out of your budget. The most used ones are the ramp, xl and the ramp, stunt. Just use the flat part of them to replace some blocks. Of course, it's all up to you whether you like their look or not. And since this map is up in the air, the curved parts of the inclines won't be visible.
changed a few of the incline bridges into ramp, XL...u were right Zandril. cheers...aesthetically havent change anything yet. File Share Halo Official Site
Nice. You should also replace some of the flat building blocks with the inclines I mentioned before. Not just the ramp bridges. Or have you done that already?
hey guys...so i changed another few things. the biggest change being green Long hall area, the base is less busy on the eyes, swapped out the blocks for stunt ramps. looks way cleaner, less grey and just better in general (thanks Zandril). also swapped out some blocks from top middle with the stunt ramps. so some of top middle is less 'blocky' now too...took out the extra initial spawns cause theres no way more than 10 players can play on this map ever. still yet to try a 5 v 5 on it. so if anyone out there does so in the future. let me know how it plays! thanks File Share Halo Official Site new link to updated version
If you're going to update a map and its thread with the download link and all, you should also include the updated screenshots. Most people won't download your map if they don't see good screenshots. Also, when using theater mode to take the pictures of the map, switch to free roam mode so that the screenshots won't have your HUD on them. Anyways, I'll give this new version a download. I'll let you know how it goes.
Alright, I downloaded the map and walked around in it. However, I wasn't able to play a slayer game in it because all my friends didn't want to play Halo 4 at that time. So don't take everything that I'm about to say to heart. Firstly, I must say that this latest version is a very big improvement compared to the previous ones. However, there are still some issues that could be addressed. 1) One of those issues is you leaving some holes in the map. Here's an example. 2) I don't think this cover is enough for this area. There seems to be too much open space around it. But I haven't played a match in the map so I don't know for sure. This is from pure observation. 3) This grav lift will require players to push forward on their Left Thumbstick to land on the upper level. Generally, people want to get on the platform automatically. What this means is the grav lift should be enough to get the player on the platform without the player having to exert any effort. Here's an example of a fix you can do. Notice that there's a tilted block above the grav lift. The incline from the block accompanied with the force from the grav lift will push the player on top of the platform without the player having to do a thing but step on the grav lift. 4) This doesn't really affect gameplay on the map but you could make the railings not over-extend. 5) Are there still 2 snipers for each team? Because if there is, then having a Beam Rifle in the map is kind of overkill. I suggest having just one neutral sniper or removing the Beam Rifle and replacing it with something else. Like I said, I haven't played a game on this map so the choice is up to you since you're the one who played games on the map. 6) Have you considered changing the name of the map? Forgotten Halls doesn't fit IMO. That's pretty much it. I apologize if I wasn't able to say anything about the map's verticality and its LoS. I wasn't able to thoroughly go over the map since I was in a bit of a rush.
two other possible solutions for your grav-lift to make it more automatic and fool-proof would be to try the following: Gravity volume to push the player forward automatically, just enough to get them onto the ledge, but keep the GV high enough so that players can't easily jump into it w/o knowing it's there. A more elegant solution would be to move the grave lift to the corner of that outside wall where the two pieces come together (duh, you probably already know what a corner is lol) and then if the thrust from that lift isn't enough, swap for a mancannon and if that thrust is just a little too much and sometimes puts players too far onto the ledge or shoots them over it, place a trait zone above the area where they are to land that only changes gravity to be less than normal. That will push the player back down exactly where you want them to land. For some tips on grav-lifts and ideas for innovating with them, please load up my two maps posted in my sig in Forge and look at how they were created. There are some cool tricks being used that will help other forgers.
Zandril...thanks for all the feedback. anything anyone says i will take on board without a second thought. First point - i think i created that gap in the bottom middle on the update, because i accidentally deleted the 4x4 tall in the picture...but there are a couple of those gaps around the map that i will clean up... Second point - your probably right about the cover. i did save some money by trading the blockes with the ramps so ill fix those covers so they 1- dotn stick out the back of the map above the lift, and two create more realistic and playable cover. Third point - you are definitely right about the lift. Because i made it i didnt really think twice about not pressing forward onto the top purple long hall, thanks for pointing that out! Fourth Point - ill clean up any more over-extending parts of the map. Fifth point - my mate that i live with has also suggest that i take out either the beam rifle or the sniper. Im thinking the Beam rifle will have to go. i just love that weapon too damn much, its gonna be a sad day tomoro when i delete it :'( oh well. replacement....possibly move the damage boost there instead of having it top middle? because i think top middle will be a draw for players anyway, and will also be a natural part of getting damage boost if it is placed top purple to continue down the line between top gold and purple to maximise usage of said damage boost. thoughts? Sixth point - Still havnt thought up a replacement name for the map...will ponder over this tomoro while correcting/updating it thanks heaps for your feedback!
JKAddict your ideas are also valid...ill try a few things out. but possibly the simplest solution is always the best one. either way. ill look into it tomoro when i go into the map. cheers
Alright, I'll try to make a list as best I can given the fact that I still cant use the enter button... Start: So, the map is actually pretty good, but there are a few problems I've noticed as I looked through it. I'll give a list: - Bottom Red and Blue areas are far to open. Massive lines of sight in these areas, would make spawnkilling a breeze if you held the blocks around rockets and fired into either side. There's nothing there to break up anything, so anyone spawning is an easy target. - You can see everything on the top level but the hall from the struts on yellow. Whether it's the ramps up to the area, the beam spawn or the red/blue outcropping areas (near the hall). It's a little overpowered give the amount of cover there, and the lack of cover everywhere else. You can also see both the Rocket and the Beam rifle spawns, along with the ramps with Human snipers near them. It's a pretty overpowered position. - You already know about the lift on purple area. However I think Aesthetics could be improved there. - Lack of cover on most of the map. The bottom area (aside from red and blue sides) are very well done and the cover is good in those areas, but in pretty much every other place there's a distinct lack of cover. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but with lack of things to break up sightlines, more cover is definitely needed for players to hide behind. Those are the main problems I noticed. Others aren't really problems, but I think Aesthetics could be improved a little in many areas. It's got potential and it's an interesting design (I really enjoy the diagonal patterns in your maps, most people don't do that and it's rather unique), but it does lack aesthetics. I'd almost recommend re-building this on ravine. The simple reason being that ravine has a more aesthetically pleasing pallet. You're not using any of the Forge Island specific pieces anyway, so I personally think the map would benefit from Ravines more detailed and diverse pallet as opposed to Forge Islands dull greys. Personal opinion of course. You're making progress though! Good job!