Hey, this is Inuit 28, and I've recently registered with these forums! I'm a 21 year old Native Alaskan Eskimo living in California, studying languages such as French, German, and soon Inupiaq, my ancestors' native tongue! I love forging maps, and playing Halo in general. My older brother bought the original Xbox on release date, and I've been playing Halo both with him and on my own ever since. Games I play: Halo 4 Madden NFL '13 Halo CE: Anniversary Skyrim Bomberman: Battlefest (sometimes) Halo Wars (sometimes) My GT is my username, Inuit 28 (Pronounced "in-you-it", an Inupiaq word meaning "People", referring to the Native Alaskan Eskimoes). I used to play Halo 2 under the Gamertag Demon28 (referring to how Masterchief was known as "The Demon" to the Covenant), maybe you might have met me from back then, when I used to make Halo movies with a capture card, back when that was a big thing. I play plenty of matchmaking, but I'd really like to get down on some Customs with fellow Forge enthusiasts, and hone my map-making skills. To do this, I need plenty of F/R's from like-minded gamers. I enjoy most aspects of the game, competitive, relaxed, matchmaking, customs, and am looking for others from all walks of Halo 4. Danke sehr, see you on the battlefield!
Welcome back. I play Skyrim as well It's an interesting game.. and a lot less linear than h4's campaigns..
Cool to see you're into languages this much. Although - unfortunately? - I decided not to choose a course concerning languages, I've always been good at foreign speech and appreciate applying them. I'll have to retrieve some of it some time, especially French is beautiful and I always want to start learning Spanish. You should try Dutch some time. Either way, welcome to ForgeHub!
Wenn ich dich wäre würde ich mich nicht darüber kümmern, diese webseite zu benützen verzuchen. Es ist schon so etwa ganz tot und alle die immernoch hier geblieben sind sind einfach sinnlose idioten und sind meistens recht schlechte schmiede. Halo ist vor einer langer zeit schon gestorben und öde geworden.
Hulter, I think I speak for everyone when I ask you to please stop bitching. Some of the 'idiots' over here speak German too. It doesn't add anything saying things like that, and it certainly won't attract more people to the site. No need being all pessimistic when it's much more useful to try and improve upon the situation.
Ignore Hulter, Inuit. Welcome to Forgehub! I must say, it's interesting to have read your introduction. I've always had a fascination with native cultures, I might have to strike up a discussion with you some time. I have some Mohawk blood myself, though the European ancestry overshadows it unfortunately. If you have any questions or need anything in general, bring it up with any of the staff, though I'm sure there are plenty of other not-Hulter members who will be willing to lend you a hand! good to make your acquaintance, I hope to see you around the forums.