
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by BlackDeath10, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
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    Personally I like the new jumps better because now I can actually hop in bottom mid :)
  2. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    this is just a minor thing i found annoying about the map when i ran through it...why is there a bump at the start of the ramp from top blue base to top gold? surely after all this testing, that could have been smoothed out...otherwise looks like an enjoyable map to play on.
  3. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Good Question,

    I have done many test with the jump pad scaled to different sizes and it just never worked right for the map. Yeah it was cool, but it just wasn't working. So I ended up testing a version of the map without a jump pad and it played very well without it. The map actually had better flow and game play without the jump pad, so I removed it.

    Lol this version is new, just forged it yesterday. I am not surprised there are a few minor bumps here and there :p I will fix bumps as they are found. Thank you.
  4. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    I got a game in last night and I thought it played pretty well. The map looked beautiful just walking around. I did feel that the center was pretty much suicide, which resulted in players totally ignoring the middle unless OS spawned. The only major visual issue I had was the dominion barricades on the rock section. It just didn't look very good, I would change that to something else. Maybe some tree stumps with dominion railings merged into them?

    Overall im loving the map man, looks great on forge island :)
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Were you playing Slayer then? I played a game of this on extraction and didn't have that feeling at all. Often the middle was used as a flank route to get into the towers, especially towards yellow side. Green side of top mid could do with some more usage, though.
  6. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You see it playing competitive gameplay best? Well, that's no wonder.
  7. RageMage

    RageMage Promethean

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    You're a bit of a character on here arn't you mein fuhrer ;) Fancy yourself a bit of a badass ay?

    Yes I see this map playing fairly competitively although it has some rather unorthodox design aspects. That's not to say that it's a bad design, simply that it will take a while for a lot of competitive players to get used to. It is reminiscent of the obvious Halo 3 maps but this map lacks the quality that those maps had. The theme throughout the map is not consistent. All four towers look totally different and one is even at an odd angle which makes it seem like 4 different maps slammed into one. Top mid is a death pit with many many lines of sight to it so the games that I've played on it ended up being a ring around the rosie using the outskirts of the map and the center was barely touched. This caused gameplay to get rather boring and the only tactic that was necessary was get the high ground. Which clearly causes a lot of replay value issues. But that's just my opinion and the opinion of most of the players whom I've tested this with. It's probably too late to change anything now without altering the map completely.
  8. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
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    Had a game on this yesterday again. You've fixed most of the things I had a problem with. So good job on that. I liked the new green tower too, with all the rock and whatnot.
  9. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    I would agree that the center ring area looks way too open. It needs some pillars or walls or something either around the outside of the ring or the inside, and maybe a ceiling (sorta Simplex-ish, as a just a general example), to give it cover and make it less of a death trap.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I'll take "What is a Lockout," for 2000, Alex.
  11. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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  12. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Mutant 2.2 Updates

    Almost all updates are aesthetics, this was due to frame rate in certain objective game types when looking cross map, the changes will not affect the way the map plays at all, and are almost unnoticeable.

    - Ramp that leads to back of gold tower between blue and gold object construction has been sightly modified, 3 columns removed as well as railings being replaced with less frame rate heavy objects.

    - Brace large wall on bottom blue replaced with a wall double

    - Walls of bottom blue had multiple bridge walls in them, the amount of bridge walls has now been decreased and replaced with other objects.

    - All Minor frame rate now gone on Mutant

    3 Extraction point locations have been modified, this is due to the fact that it was to difficult to get them back once a coordinated team had started the extraction, and by difficult I mean almost imposable.

    - Extraction point on Gold plat moved to blue 1

    - Extraction point on top Gold moved closer inside gold to provide more cover

    - Extraction point in top red has been moved slightly to provide more cover for extraction

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