Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    the 1959 white sox team was a great team team that made it to the world series and had some famous players on it. I wanted to be the 2005 white sox, but the first letter can't be a number so its i959 white sox
  2. Qc Is PWNinG

    Qc Is PWNinG Ancient
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    Qc for Quebec, and, quebec OWN so...
  3. NOTW22

    NOTW22 Ancient
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    stands for Not of this World - as my signature shows. Basically, it's what Jesus taught Christians to be. In the world, but not of it.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    my last name and age simple as
  5. Tornroot

    Tornroot Ancient
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    Mine is strangely my nickname... and yet I have no idea why. :confused:
  6. NWPLoKi

    NWPLoKi Ancient
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    nwp = my clan
    loki = god of mischief, cool(?)
  7. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    well it all started at 2rd grade graduation when I looked down to find to my supprise a quarter and I thought it would be cool to name it "bib the nickel" (even though it was a quarter) and I kep bib the nickel in my pocket for months until the end of the 3th grade when my friend said that the nickel needed a real name so I thought of BIB BOB JONSE and the name stuck until one day later after football practice. I was very thirsty and all I needed was a quarter after going through asking all of my friends if they could spare some change to a dying soul. someone stole bib and spent him for my drink. o and did I mention that I gave that kid 2 black eye's and 4 broke ribs
    (lol JK) but still that was the 1st time I remember saying the phrase
    "you son of a mother ****ing hore *****...ass" yea I was only 9 at the time so my gramer was not up to par.
    then xbox 360 came and I got 1 the 1st day they came out.
    with my friends help I made my 1st xbox live account
    KaSneed b\c my first name is Kell and my last is Sneed
    sounded pretty bad ass till xbox sent me a message saying that that name is offensive.
    and I was like "offensive to what"
    and then they made me change it
    so after a long period of tense thought ( about 6 sec.)
    I came up with
    Bib Bob Jones
    then as time went by my call of duty 2 clan (TBOTB)"The Best Of The Best"
    or "The Bitches Of The Bib bob" LOL
    but we were the 3rd ranked COD2 clan in america
    so we decided that all members should look official and put TBoTB in front if there name like "TBoTB W3LLY" or "TBoTB ViRgIl" just to name a few
    when it was my turn to change my name "TBoTB Bib Bob Jones" just did not fit so I removed the "Jones" at the end so it looked like "TBoTB Bib Bob"
    then for months we played fine and won some awards and stuff until
    a tragic day our clan leader and websight starter and runner and our 1st 2nd and 3rd best player "TBoTB K Matter" and "TBoTB Bush" were killed in a tragic car crash outside
    Las Vegas on there way to school. this news devistated the team b/c we just played with K Matter last night in a clan battle against N2D our rival clan who also lost a member that day N2D STEEL who died of a hart attack in London.
    but after that day our team could not recover and started to leave gust to leave and maby get a shot a becoming a member of a better team or clan
    non of them did except for TBoTB Johnny who I here now is in good shape
    but back to how I got BIB BOB as my GT
    well after that me and some of the members started a RB6: VEGAS clan called
    nBk "natural born killers"
    well that did not work out b/c there was already a clan called that
    and after all the name changes I decided to settle on one name and that would be

    ...................................B....i....b... ...B....o....b...............................................
  8. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    jdoerr my namee
  9. Jitsk28

    Jitsk28 Ancient
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    Back in highschool there was this guy named Jim. He and I constantly argued and made fun of each other... and sometimes with grotesque words. Well in our A&P class we were talking about the male genitalia and I thought it'd be funny to call him the Scr0tum King.. so Jim is the Scr0tum King. :D
  10. Gnoizic

    Gnoizic Ancient
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    My gamertag is completely original to me, I've Googled everywhere, and I'm the only one who has so much as typo'd this onto something on the internet :p

    The origins of my gamertag came when I was in 7th grade when I had to do some English project, creating a character of your choice. I wanted my character's name to have something different about it, so letters I knew i wanted to use were G and Z, and I wanted it to have an "n" sound and an "oy" sound, but from weird ways. I think someone around me said something about noises, and that's when it hit me. Noise would be the basis for what I was going for. I quickly had the name Gnoiz readily available, but it wasn't long enough, it was missing something. I added an "ic" at the end of it, leaving me with Gnoizic, and I've used it in stories, online stuff, and now my Gamertag ever since. It's been great listening to everyone miss pronounce the name, so if any of ya meet me in matchmaking, its pronounced "noise-ick" :p Other than it being brilliant and original, the English teacher I made it up for died the next year, so it's kinda my final tribute to a teacher (sorta, i hafta remember that one more often than just "sweet name, dont change"
  11. Gnoizic

    Gnoizic Ancient
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    My gamertag is completely original to me, I've Googled everywhere, and I'm the only one who has so much as typo'd this onto something on the internet :p

    The origins of my gamertag came when I was in 7th grade when I had to do some English project, creating a character of your choice. I wanted my character's name to have something different about it, so letters I knew i wanted to use were G and Z, and I wanted it to have an "n" sound and an "oy" sound, but from weird ways. I think someone around me said something about noises, and that's when it hit me. Noise would be the basis for what I was going for. I quickly had the name Gnoiz readily available, but it wasn't long enough, it was missing something. I added an "ic" at the end of it, leaving me with Gnoizic, and I've used it in stories, online stuff, and now my Gamertag ever since. It's been great listening to everyone miss pronounce the name, so if any of ya meet me in matchmaking, its pronounced "noise-ick" :p Other than it being brilliant and original, the English teacher I made it up for died the next year, so it's kinda my final tribute to a teacher (sorta, i hafta remember that one more often than just "sweet name, dont change")
  12. Sn1per C

    Sn1per C Ancient
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    I've had a couple of names, most of them stupid. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who used terminal disease/conditions so it would read "M4574Cheif117 was killed by *insert disease here*" I later decided that 'Brain Cancer' wasn't the best choice of names and changed it to Sn1per C. Sniper, because I like scoped weapons, and C because Connor is my first name. I added the 1 and 3 in because the original version was already taken. Boring, I know.
  13. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    I have a completely new account, the tag is 'AClockworkFish', like the movie A clockwork orange, but with a fish. Check out my sig fro more photoshopped glory
  14. SergeantSmeg69

    SergeantSmeg69 Ancient
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    Errr my first gamertag was CaptainCrap159 not because CaptainCrap was taken just because it looked a bit lonely all alone with no numbers. But anyway appartently it was offencive but it was a over a year before they decided it was. I changed it to sergeantsmeg69 for the same reason i chose my original gamertag, its funny. I spent ages thinking of a original and funny name and alot of people across xbl find it very amusing and so do I:D
  15. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    mine came on the xbox 360 i bought from a friend and i think it's okay, so i haven't changed it.
  16. Adamaro23

    Adamaro23 Ancient
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    Mine is pronounced the same as my actual name (adum mar-o. not marrow as most think...) Anyway I play a card game called Magic the Gathering, and a few sets back they released a card called Adamaro, First to Desire. I even called the company to see if it was pronounced the same as my name and it was. I've used Adamaro as my username for everything for the past 3ish years and don't plan on stopping.

    And 23 was supposed to be my "lucky" number according to some book my mom has, so I tacked it onto the back. I then found out last year after re-reading the book, I misread it, my actual "lucky number is 22... But i'm so used to using 23 and i'm not stopping.
  17. V3rdammnis

    V3rdammnis Ancient
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    'Verdammnis' is german for 'Perdition' or 'Damnation'

    A lot of people on Live have problems pronouncing it, and I get asked if I'm german quite a bit (I'm Canadian, lol)

    I'm a huge fan of the progressive metal and death metal musical genres, so it sort of lines up with my musical taste. I'm also an Atheist, lol.

    So yeah...happy stuff, lol ;)
  18. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    SLY JD
    Surname and Initials.

    Glython (any other game before Halo 3 basically)
    Original from the brain of me.
  19. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    i used to do fencing a while ago, i wasn't very good. last time i spared i was ten hence the last spar ten

    ps. i also liked halo alot.
  20. Father786

    Father786 Ancient
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    My gamertag is Father786.

    In 2007 all my friends said I looked like the villian of a movie and his name was Father. Now obviously, Father would be taken, so I put 786 in because that was my number in racing games.

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