Anyone got any tips for small assymetical maps? I have been trying to think up and idea for one bt every one I come up with feels rubbish or disconnected. So any tips?
if you have an idea of something you'd like to build and would probably make a good battlefield in Halo, start building it and try to make two opposing sides some sort of stronghold or base that could house a flag plate etc if needbe. then, just look at ways of balancing the opposing sides so that even though different, would have relatively equal amounts of cover and advantages. good luck
Your question isn't very precise. It's simple, keep it balanced. Here's some good examples to look at: Halo: Guardian Lockout Counter Strike: de_dust2 cs_office de_prodigy de_inferno Black Ops: Havana Firing Range Quake: Camping Ground House of Decay
What do you mean by small? As in the size of the small forge island? The medium island? What is small for you? What kind of game types do you want to support with it?
Sorry I did the post on my phone so I ended up rushing it. By small, I mean a map that will allow 1v1 combat and at the very most 2v2 combat. Preferably FFA modes like slayer really. Maybe Oddball depending on the number of players.
Honestly just wing it, make sure its tight, and make sure there are plenty of paths to get around, at least 3 ways in each area. And for simplicity just make a couple of atrium's and connect them nicely... After you build the skeleton, work on aesthetics, and there you go
First of all, learn how to spell "asymmetrical" Anyways, the key is, as Fenix hulk said, keeping it balanced. So, the highest point on the map should be in some way disadvantaged for example. Different positions need to be able to counter each other despite not being symmetrical. This is done with weapon placement, lines of sight, and routes. You want to create flow by keeping players moving in some sort of structured pattern. So, for example, you get to the highest point on the map but then you're encouraged to drop down to grab a power weapon or get better sightlines. Also, be sure to look at other maps for reference. Guardian and Lockout are good ones, as are many forge maps. Dax and Lights' Carbonite is one I was recently looking at which has a great design.
Duck said it. Also squid coforged carbonite with lights? Also for inspiration: ..::LvL - Quake 3 Arena Maps (Q3A Custom Maps)