Hey guys. So after having some unfixable framerate problems with my last map Rebirth, I decided it was best to just scrap the project and use it as inspiration for later projects down the road. So I went back to the drawing board and started looking at all the forge maps that have personally stuck out to me in the past. I wanted to find what made them so unique and learn from that, while at the same time being entirely unique myself. And this is what I've come up with - a symmetrical 3-base taking inspiration from Rebirth, Select, and Dream On. The map still isn't completely finished, but since my controller just died and I don't feel like going to get batteries tonight, I figured I'd go ahead and post a preview. An unfinished version is in my fileshare at the moment if anyone's interested in checking it out in-game. The map's a bit sloppy/bumpy in some areas (mostly in the center) but I plan on fixing it up soon. I also need to lower the basement level, finish up a few structural pieces, and place spawns. But if you have any feedback about the map I would love to hear it. At the moment, I'm fairly worried about the map being too open in some areas. Thanks for checking it out. Here is a link to the map on my fileshare.
Ah yes, this map. Some of you may not know but I am co author of this map. Dax may not even know it but it's true. Anyway, interesting layout should sport some interesting oddball and KoTH.
from the pics alone, I would say that you may be right about "too open". the map appears to essentially be 6 sections and each section can see both of its neighboring sections with little LOS blocking. Furthermore, it appears that jumping from one section to another could often result in a fall to death. What I've done a few times is to raise the side pieces, which are the ROck 5's in your pics, so that they serve as both a wall and a railing of sorts. Then place a soft kill overlapping the rock railing so that if someone s tands on it they are warned that death is beyond it. No one would stand there for 10 seconds anyway, I don't think. Overall this is a cool interesting design with shapes that no one has used before (or quite like this ).
Kudos to getting those curved ramps at the 60 degree angles to line up. I can imagine it would have been a pain. Design looks solid. Give it a test and see how it plays.
Dax, you're coforging without me. Not cool. Luckily for you, the map looks cool. I'll have to play on it with you and Zombie some time. It probably won't be soon though. :\ While it does look better than Rebirth in some ways, I'm still not a fan of your outer ring from what I can tell. I think it's still the only place to be and probably the most boring place. The middle's great, but it looks like a map where you wanted that middle and therw a ring around it. I'd suggest to block off parts of it or add larger rooms along the ring. Otherwise, I'm really interested in this map.
This bad boy is ****in' crazy. You're maps are getting wilder and wilder, Daxypoo, and that's just alllriiigghhtt. I hope some of my critiisms have helped and I can't waitto play.
Pffft. You never placed that one piece you said you were going to. Otherwise I would've gladly put your name right beside mine as the creator. I see what you mean. I'm not the biggest fan of having soft kill zones on traversable areas of a map as it tends to distract players. But after I get some tests in, if I do receive a lot of complaints about the lack of railings in certain areas then I'll certainly look into a solution. No bb, I'm saving my co-forge time for you! Zombeh was just being silly. Also, there really isn't much of an "outer ring," so to speak. Instead, it's basically 3 curved connected sections up top (which you see in the first picture), and then 3 separate curved connected sections below that - those made up of wall colis. You can't really see in the pictures, but these are connected by a little basement area underneath. I hope that was a decent enough explanation, I'll have to show you in-game soon. So although the curvature from Rebirth is still there, it's a fairly different map altogether. The problem with Rebirth's outer ring shouldn't be a problem with this map, but I'm definitely not saying isn't. We'll have to discuss it in-game sometime, if you still have some issues with the outer connections I'll work with it and see what I can do. They definitely helped, I'll be sure let you know whenever I start testing. Comment of the century.
The design of this map is extremely unique! I'm very impressed (but considering your work in the past...I've come to expect nothing less from you). The layout of the map seems reminiscent of, one of my all-time-favorite maps, Assembly from Halo 3. My only concern would be that the map seems rather open and exposed (at least from the pics), but I'll have to wait and see for myself in "virtual" person. I can't wait to down load and get some games on this! -Hydro
I don't care if the map changed. Should be called Sarlacc. Anywho... I really need to play with you some time. God you have been on my FL scince what January and we have never even like... partied up or anything. mek me sayd. ahma sayd narf.
Got a game on this about a week ago. It plays pretty good. It's a unique design. I would just suggest lowering the 3 highest points of gold, blue and red. After getting to the top of those ramps, there wasn't much incentive to leave. Good work. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks for the comments guys. It's actually about to be ripped apart and rebuilt from scratch, however, mainly due to the points that PA1NTS made. The bases are just too high at the moment so there's no real incentive to move anywhere else once you're there. I'm going to work with heightening the middle ring and/or lowering the bases, we'll see how it goes! Should be updated sometime soon