The OS variant (120s respawn) is the only variant available. The OS variant is designed for the guys behind TTD. The guys behind the Unity settings had initially asked for a Rockets/Snipe variant, which they may still experiment with, but as far as I know the Unity v2 settings are using the OS variant on 90s respawn. I am keeping the OS variant as the base, allowing different settings teams to make any changes to weapons and spawning as they see fit. There was a lobby last night. We ran Ender AND invited you multiple times. I saw you were in a lobby with The Psycho Duck, so you've got an excuse this time . Carbonite is sick btw. Just watched your 1v1 gameplay.
Updated download link: Ender v3 Fixes: The two struts inside each base provided too much cover during flag pulls and flag captures / made it too easy to sneak inside the base and sneak out. Struts removed and replaced by a single crate inside each base. Soft safe zone adjusted to resolve issue where flag would reset if it somehow flew above the map. Additional killzones placed as a result of safe zone adjustment. Trait zone added to prevent jetpackers from flying out of the map Ender now supports Extraction and Oddball in addition to Slayer, all FFA gametypes, CTF and KOTH.
I just started doing Custom Map reviews and I started with this one. The video isn't the best but it was my first one. Did Far Cry 3 maps awhile ago and its safe to say it's different from doing Halo maps. Great job with the map though it is amazing. Hopefully I didn't sound to stupid this is my first Halo 4 map that I have done.