
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by orangedrone, May 1, 2013.

  1. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    \\_ PANOPTICON _//

    Panopticon is an intense, symmetrical, arena-style map with 4 points of entry (RED, BLUE, YELLOW & GREEN). The layout is an unforgiving center structure surrounded by calm, scenic vistas.

    The rest is self-explanatory..

    Competitive map that supports: Slayer (2v2, 4v4), Multiteam (2v2v2v2 (recommended) - 4v4v4v4), FFA/Regicide, Flood, CTF (w/vehicles), KOTH and Oddball.

    RECOMMENDED: Lower your in-game brightness setting by 1 notch. (EDIT: Maybe even 2 notches)

    The map is subject to change. Continually evolving :)

    Comments/feedback is encouraged!

    ***UPDATE: Additional screenshots added!

    \\_ Created by ORANGEDRONE _//
    #1 orangedrone, May 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your title pic is very impressive aesthetically. That structure-forerunner-inspired-entrance is very stunning. The outside only seems to be of use as a spawning spot and players will just rush to the center as the gameplay on the outside would be very dry and boring if it's just a giant outer and open ring. Some more pics would be nice, atleast of the center. I assume all 4 entrances look the same?

    Edit: Also noticed your top map description template says it is designed to support SWAT. Shield doors and SWAT don't mix and creates very annoying gameplay. Especially if the shield doors will be used as much as they will be here.
    #2 Fenix Hulk, May 1, 2013
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  3. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Yeah, I noticed that (RE: SWAT) I checked off several boxes but, it only displayed "SWAT" there for whatever reason. Although, it could definitely be functional with SWAT it would be less than ideal compared to maybe some other SWAT-tailored maps. I've never played SWAT on this map actually haha. But, would be open to see for myself at least.

    I'm not really trying to fit any norms, other than, I don't want any power positions. Or at least, I strive for no power positions anyway.

    But, yeah, the entrances look the same with the only difference being the scenery and their color. The interior is rather unforgiving yet, does provide cover and escape options. The outside, though far from a safe haven, tends to serve more as a way to flank as it doesn't take very long to get to the next door (on medium island) with the addition of weapons begin out there.. it does lend itself to being used. However, the norm (w/ 1st-timers anyway) has been to take the center of the structure.

    The outside area (in my experience so far) weighs in much more in CTF.

    Thanks for yer feedback mang, and yes I do plan on posting more screen shots and perhaps an overhead view of weapon spawns etc.

    #3 orangedrone, May 1, 2013
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  4. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The title pic is absolutely stunning. But can you perhaps post more screenshots of the map so people would get a better idea about it.

    But so far, in that one picture, I think the map will be great.
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That is gorgeous, but you should add more images or a video (as others have mentioned).

    While the image given is beautiful, it lacks any showing of the map as a whole. For all I know the map might be great in that one scene and poorly made elsewhere. The map could be pretty, but lack a good design. Or it might all be astonishing. I can't tell. I also can't take the time at all this week (possibly next as well) to go and download it to see what it's like. However, you've hooked my interest.

    Also, to reiterate Fenix to some extent, the shield doors as actual doors are generally bad for gameplay. It slows it down and makes the combat into a game of chicken at times. I'd suggest altering how it's structured or removing the piece all together.

    So yeah, basically what everyone else said. :p
  6. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    WoW. I guess I'm gonna join the lineup. You place one pic and get massive feedback immediately. Hype, Hype HYYYYPPPEE!!!!! Lets all boost up the replies for one pic. Yeah. This shits gonna be sick, Yeah. I'm gonna give this guy props, Yeah. Bigwigs on forgehub who never post on my maps are gonna post for one pic, YEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  7. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Calm down Chrony, we all don't have the time to leave feedback on all maps, I rarely do. I understand feedback is important but I looked at your map threads briefly and you have some decent maps and you did get a decent amount of feedback. I commented on a whole 2 maps today, this being the second. 8OR was the first, and it demanded respect, the author spent a very long time on that map and he only had 2 people say anything in his thread. This map here demands more screenshots, so I asked for them. The reason he got this much attention is b/c the one shot is more of an annoyance and that it is in the final map thread (meaning FINISHED map) so the rest of the map should be done, right!? So where's the screens? enough said.
    #7 Fenix Hulk, May 2, 2013
    Last edited: May 2, 2013
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was slightly dissapointed that the doors from the picture are the only really good looking part of the map. That and the 8 teleporters are a real turnoff, especially when 4 lifts would accomplis the same effect.
  9. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I need to know how you made that entrance! I would like to give some feedback, but I am on vacation now. I post this, so I won't forget to DL this when I return :)
  10. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The fate of being an Infection forger. ;)

    About this map, I agree with the others that some more pictures would be needed.
  11. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Thanks, yeah I need to get more pics... including an overhead view with weapons etc. (Cause, those look cool)

  12. BolshyChill

    BolshyChill Forerunner

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    I'm impressed with your title image and by the looks of it I'm not the only one but as already mentioned you need more pics, pics = downloads; atleast with most cases.
  13. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    I checked your map out. I think the center structure needs a 3rd level and the outside is kinda useless. Putting power weapons outside doesn't make it a usable area, put some more structures around the center building. Don't worry about the shield doors because the structure is not very cramped. also, the teleporters are kinda silly.
  14. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    I appreciate the feedback. I get a sense that teleporters are frowned upon these days. However, I think there are endless applications for their use. Without them, Panopticon would play radically different. They serve as an easy way to get down to the lower level, and vice-versa, take quick cover etc.. I dig a lot of halo 1 maps that incorporated teleporters. And honestly tricking someone to follow you into one only to assassinate them never gets old :) And lastly they loosely serve as a colored point of reference while on the lower level. As I'm sure you've noticed everything is color-coded on the map without actually coloring any structural forge items. This was also important to me.

    I'm ok with the exterior of the structure only being used when a situation demands it. I don't want to clutter that up with other structures cause, I want to keep the focus of the gameplay on the central structure. I want to keep the exterior 100% natural only. The interior can get rather intense and I like the option the outside ring provides. If this map just consisted of the interior of the structure I wouldn't even want to play it. Not to mention how irrelevant my grand entrances would then be.

    My whole approach was to create polar opposite spaces: Intense interior VS calm scenic exterior. As I stated earlier the outside comes into play much more in CTF games where the mongooses also appear. I played a 4v4 CTF on there last night and everything seemed really balanced. It was really enjoyable. I actually went back through and watched the full game from everyone's perspective just to make sure no unfavorable trends were being encouraged by the map itself.

    Panopticon (the word) means prison. This is another reason I chose to leave the shield doors on the entrances. (besides how cool they look) Believe me I thought about removing them for all that budget I would free up :) But, in the several playtests I've had on this map I've come to appreciate the functionality they provide. They give you an opportunity to instantly gauge the situation on the inside before entering. Since you could technically get sniped from the opposite entrance without them. So, they kinda prevent people from camping on the entrance ramps.

    I would just suggest anyone to actually play competitvely on the map.. like a 2v2, 4v4, 2v2v2v2 etc. To get a feel for how it actually plays. Where you are strictly focused on killing or the objective at hand.

    I will be adding more screens, and perhaps a weapon overhead-view. Just trying to pull myself away from my next map long enough to do so :)

    #14 orangedrone, May 4, 2013
    Last edited: May 4, 2013
  15. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    There's nothing wrong with using teleporters. The problem comes when they're used lazily (to add an extra route to an area that doesn't have enough after the fact).

    Even just one pic would be great. Lets people know what they're downloading.
  16. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Yeah, cause the downloads take so long.. haha :) Naw, right on dude. More pics coming.. I'm aiming to accomplish this by today. Can anyone here recommend a good place to nab images of the weapons? For the overview pic.


  17. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    I did playtest this the other night. The center structure is too simplistic and there are no good routes around the outside. You can't escape your opponent because they always know where you're heading. The Sniper is OP on this map because there is absolutely NOTHING breaking up long lines of sight. There really is a need for a high floor to get over and around your opponent. I really dislike the teleporters because they literally teleport you 2 meters! That's silly. If you remember correctly, most of the H1 teleporters transported you ACROSS the map. There is no reason you cant keep the outside natural looking and still make better routes for game play. This map, while beautiful and very unique, is going to get old quick because it doesn't have much going for it in regards to game dynamics. You can't rest on aesthetics alone.
  18. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Well, I appreciated your feedback the 1st time you gave it and told you so. Hammering the same feedback over and over again is what is going to "get old". What is "silly" to you doesn't necessarily make it silly for me. Honestly if it ends up being different and like you stated above "unique" then, that is actually better to me than, having it conform to any preconceived ways of doing things. I want it to be different. I made it on purpose to be different. I could play the maps that shipped with the game otherwise and be perfectly content with the experiences they provide. Tho, with that said.. in all the play time I've had on this map (which I assure you is more than once).. and subsequent theater watching. I haven't found anything to be unbalanced in terms of anyone having an advantage over anyone else. You must bring your A game. That's how myself and the group of guys I play and forge with like it. Competitive.

    Your suggestion of a 3rd floor however, is a formidable one and one in which I have already pondered. One of the issues I ran into when building this puppy is some pretty upsetting limitations with forge itself. Since, apparently you cannot zero-out your coordinates. This prevented me from taking my custom corridors up, down or at an angle. (since they are made using bridges at 45 degree angles.) Try to achieve that and you will quickly see what I mean.

    This and many other suggestions are being formulated for 343 for Halo 5. I absolutely cannot wait until they are addressed. That would be soooo rad, and give forgers soo much more freedom of expression.


  19. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More pictures of the map would be nice. The picture you have is really well forged though.
  20. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    UPDATE: Screens added. (Click to view larger)

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