Infection Our Daily Bread

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Elliot, May 2, 2013.

  1. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello, Gents. I'm here today to present to you my first Flood map in Halo 4, Our Daily Bread. Yup, this is it, after months of trying to control the crazy gametype of Linear Progression Flood, I have ended up with something I am pretty proud of. As hinted in the title, it is set in a bread factory, long since abandoned after the Flood outbreak. And this place is thriving with the Flood. Then what in Gods name are we doing here, Elliot? Well my friend, you're hungry, and this place is your best chance of finding food. It will be difficult, but if you reach the end you will be rewarded with a hefty batch of fresh bread! Wholegrain, of course. Great! Lets get going!

    The first encounter



    You have just entered the Factory and the Flood are already on to you. Straight away they come at you from above you, then again from the other side. Be hot on your toes or you could be one of the first to go. The first encounter is pivotal. Losing even a couple of men early on can be catastrophic later down the line. Don't run ahead and don't do anything stupid. A Battle Rifle sits up above the spawn area. It is risky to go for it, as you fall behind from the rest of the group. I'd recommend taking a buddy to watch your back.




    The Atrium

    The Atrium is the first holdout area. A couple of Shotguns, a Turret and some ammo are lying around. Grab them quickly and get your backs to the door. One tip for this holdout; look up. The Flood make use of the conveyors and platforms high above the ground. Plus, you have no radar. This part of the map took a long time to forge. Perfecting the ratio of cover to lines of sight took a lot of tweaking. I wanted the Flood to be able to get within striking distance if they used the cover and platforms well enough but not make it too difficult for the survivors. The best way to approach the survivors when they are backed up against the wall would be the teleporter closer to the door. It allows you to drop right on top of your prey. The other teleporter is great for taking out survivors still searching for weapons or just generally not playing smart. The turret has been strategically placed in order for it to be extremely risky to use while still attached as the Flood can drop right on top of you. Also, it is quite a distance to get to it. You must use the riskier route around the edge of the atrium where the Flood can also drop right on top of you. If you would rather ensure survival over gaining weapons, hop over the barriers to get straight to the door. It is a lot safer and a lot quicker.








    By the time the door has opened, the Flood will already be on their way from the second area as well as the first. Push through the long corridor quickly and be careful rounding the corner. If you grabbed the turret earlier, you might regret it at this point. There's only 80 seconds before the door closes shut on dat lovely bread.


    One of these Conveyors is still running! Mysterious...


    The last area is a large U-shaped pathway with a tall platform on the inside of the bend, giving the Flood a near-360 degree attacking angle on the remaining survivors. A room can be found underneath this platform where a Rocket Launcher sits. It can be risky to grab as the Flood can attack through a gap in the ceiling. A Saw, Shotgun and another Turret can also be found in the last area.


    Again, Flood attack from elevated positions.


    Remkings gets jumped!!


    But El Trocity pulls an epic Showstopper out the bag!



    If you make it to the safe room you still have some work to do. The door closes with 15 seconds left, but only if no one is in the way of it. If someone is, the door jams and doesn't shut. Make sure you are well away from the entrance and have all the weapons provided if you want to survive the intense last few seconds.


    The Gametype

    Because of the inability to remove sprint from the Base player traits, I have decreased the speed of the survivors to compensate for the speed of sprint. This stops players from being able to race through the map without any real fight. If I did not do this, I would have had to create a huge map, which would just be impossible with the tools we have been given. In order to promote teamwork and awareness, I have decided to remove radar for the survivors. It creates a much scarier experience and allows the Flood to attack from above much more effectively. Survivors take two hits to be killed, giving them a chance to melee any Flood without dying themselves. If you are hit once, you will only take one more hit to be killed for the rest of the round. This improves the experience for both parties; Flood can take note of who they have slashed once and then target them with the next attack. In turn, this forces the survivors to work together to keep weak members safe. Players with full shields should take the front line and watch the back of the group.

    Everything in the gametype has been included to create a much more competitive Flood experience which is much better than MM Flood. I hope you enjoy it.

    Expect a range of round lengths with Our Daily Bread. You will find that some rounds you make it to the end easily, some you just make it to the end and some where you don't even make it past the first holdout. This is because the map heavily depends on quick orientation at the start of the round and awareness and teamwork throughout in order to do well. No two rounds are the same.

    That's a wrap

    I hope you have a lot of fun playing my map. I'll have you know, I started it on Christmas Eve. Its been such a fun build and I'm just glad I can share it with you all now. A special thanks to everyone that gave feedback and assistance;

    +everyone else who tested

    Thanks again. <3

    #1 Elliot, May 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Omg, it's there! The long expected Our Daily Bread, that makes brilliant usage of the ordnance drops and pulls off a magnificent style of teamwork. This map is both fun to play as a zombie or a human, teamwork means a great deal for both parties too. Not to mention that it's also a very exciting and scary experience. I've had to change my pants quite often while playing this map, or had to buy somebody a new pair of pants for doing that to him. ;)

    I also love how you captured that really realistic feel of something that would actually happen during an apocalypse. In real life, you are not going to act like a hero and slay some zombies on your own while the others just follow your path and look at you like some kind of almighty Schwarzenegger. No, in real life you'll be constantly watching both back and forth, trying not to fall behind or be too far ahead. You'll be going to want to stay in the middle of the group at all times, so you're less likely to get ambushed. Men are in essence herd animals, especially in situations of dangers, and that's exactly the feeling I get on this map.

    The best part is that I've never even played this map with game chat on, due to my NAT settings, and it was already great. I can only imagine what it would be like with a full game of people communicating tactics and warning each other of any danger to come. It's amazing to see how people playing this usually realize the same and therefore try to keep each other in life at all cost. The moment where people without being asked drop a weapon for a fellow human instead of picking it up themselves, is the moment where a map has truly mastered this realistic, natural feel of unity and the notion that your best chances of survival are by working together as a group. One moment I briefly forgot about this and desperately went for the BR, only to be luckily saved by a kind fellow human who was watching my back without me knowing it. It put me back to realize that it's simply not possible on this map to go Rambo mode. All weapons have all been very well placed, disabling and even punishing camping if you were to try. Great job on that too. However, my personal advice for people downloading this map would be to try and grab the first turret nonetheless, even though it might be a bit dangerous. It will definitely be of great help in your challenge of surviving the round, together with the other humans.

    All in all, you definitely nailed it with this map, I've never had a boring game the many times we tested it and it has increasingly improved ever since the first test, up to the point where it is now... which is out standing in its field. It's a must-download, you proved yourself again and raised the bar of Infection forging once more with this true masterpiece. This is one of the very best Flood maps I've seen in Halo 4, it deserves all the attention it's going to get for sure.
    Can't wait to see your other projects released, and I'm looking forward to seeing future maps you'll be working on.

    Finally, nice write up. It was enjoying to read, you have writing skills bro.

    PS: Thanks for saving my ass there, man. I thought they had me but you allowed me another chance to taste the sweet bread at the end.
    In fact, I believe they got me in the end after all but whatever lol
    #2 REMkings, May 3, 2013
    Last edited: May 3, 2013
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice. Will there be croissants too?

    OT: I hope this will be on BIOC, I'm really looking forward to playing it.
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you sir.

    If you want there to be, there most certainly will be. And yeah, I will be playing this :)
  5. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Oh, that part where you saved REMkings.. I Lol'ed :p Let me just start and say that this is a great presentation, a nice piece to read too. To be honest, I almost always go to the pics first, but.. I just wanted to read this. This looks like a amazing Flood map, and you pulled of something really hard in Halo 4's forge : A Linear flood map. I have heard it is hard to create, since the objects won't spawn etc. I love the concept of the map too, "Our Daily Bread".. At first, I didn't really get why, but its kinda obvious now. The map looks forged so well too! Incredible really, I think this will be one of the best Linear flood maps out there. I wasn't really in the mood to go, and forge my map.. But now I really want to build something and finish it. I hope Ill get some maps done this week, its a good motivation. Thanks Elliot :p
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot man, I'm really glad you like it. Its a great feeling to know I am inspiring others to Forge!
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahhhh! The gametype link was wrong! Download the new one if you intend on playing it.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Most thorough review ever.

    #8 REMkings, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  9. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is, I am so grateful for it.

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