Hello fellow forgers I have just been informed that my map Despondency has just become a featured map on Halo Reach' multiplayer online. I am so honoured!
I received a pop up whilst I was playing "Reach" saying my map has been added to the multiplayer; that's as much as I know.
Sorry, but you're either lying, or someone is screwing with you. This map has not been added to Matchmaking.
There's no need to apologies "cluckinho10" your free to denunciate, I do appreciate your courtesy though. However I must say that I've never trolled as one or two of you has put it, in my life nor am I lying; I've outgrown such things. Maybe I am the poor victim of some cruel joke or perhaps I've let my enthusiasm get the better of me; I certainly hope not, that would be most disappointing.
Suppose your right SilentJacket. This really, if I might be so blunt "sucks". I guess all I can do now, is keep forging and keep hoping. I'll be sure to research the facts before posting such accusations again in the coming future.
No problem. The ultimate goal for most forgers is to get a map into matchmaking, so it's unfortunate that someone would screw with you about it. Good luck with your future endeavors.
I just realized something. A couple of days ago, I was fixing links from my threads to my fileshare. I recall clicking the download icon accidentally, so I have to assume now that the pop up I described was not an indication that my map was added to matchmaking but rather to my console; the pop up disappeared as quickly as it appeared, I only had enough time to read the words "Despondency" and "Matchmaking" so I just naturally assumed otherwise. Forgive me, I don't play Halo Reach much and I'm still quite unfamiliar with all of it's functions/options.
Well this must be very embarrassing for you. Plus, you can't simply assume that a map you made has been put into Matchmaking.
well that sucks for you but lets learn from this...NO NEW MAPS ARE COMING TO HALO 3, REACH, OR WARS AS THEY ARE OUT OF DATE!!! but i suppose we can dream
Well, if it's in caps it must be true...but seriously I understand this was an extreme error on my part; points have been made, lessons learnt, thank you now move on as I already have.