Ocean Speedway Ocean Speedway is my new track on Forge Island. The tracks features a 12 banked angle. The lap is about 32 seconds in length. The track is fun with any size party, and is great for casual & or competitive racers. There is also an observation tower that is great for viewing races and can even accommodate a nice commentary booth for machinimas. Comments and suggestions are appreciated. Hope you enjoy the map. Thanks! Race & Battle Tracks Games Ocean Speedway
Thanks for the comment! I worked hard on this map and no one commented on any of the sites. Thanks again! I hope you enjoy the map
Yeah, that seems to be an ongoing problem. Cool maps get posted & garbage gets posted, then cool maps get 2 replies and are pushed back. Meanwhile, garbage gets bumped by 1. Controversy being started in the thread or 2. The map author triple posts and bumps his own map and that's ok cuz FH is cool now. Smh. Anyway, the track looks sweet and smooth. Though, I wish it was more than an oval, the bank is sweet. I'm DLing it now
The map looks very clean and smooth. The viewing deck/watchtower (whatever you want to call it) looks very nice as well. I will definitely download this.
Thanks Zombie. I hope you like the map. The whole point of the map was to be an oval. It's for people who enjoy Nascar style competitive racing. I will prob make another track that is more traditional. Let me know what you think!
Thanks. The viewing deck went through like three designs. I was messing with different pieces and decided on this. It looks very close to a real observation tower seen in a real banked oval track. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to DL. Thanks!