Destitute in Chains Created by REMkings Spoiler "We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust." - Proximo (Gladiator) Hello and welcome to my very first map in Halo 4, called "Destitute in Chains". This map is a reimagination of my first Infection map from Halo Reach, and also my most popular map in terms of both downloads, publicity and feedback: "Lone Souls in a Lost Mine". Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (LSIALM) was my personal favorite map from the ones I built myself, because it was scary, dark and had a very strong theme. It was also highly focussed on teamwork and discouraged you from running and gunning, but rather drew you back to realize in what kind of frightening and hopeless situation you happened to be in. I simply had to bring it back in a new liveform to give back to all the people that gave me such great reactions about it and really helped me to improve my overall forging skills. And that's where the story of Destitute in Chains begins. I wanted to use this project to get used to Halo 4's Forge mechanics and at the same time see what things were possible with the new Flood mode and what changed in relation to Infection. Turning LSIALM into DinC So, you remade this mine map from Reach. But why didn't you just literally remake LSIALM instead of only making a reimagination, REMkings? Well, it is for four reasons that I did it this way. 1. It's more fun to only take parts from the previous map and add new ones. It's also more original than to simply remake everything, and makes it more of a challenge. 2. I wanted to use the new features from Halo 4's forge pallet such as dynamic lighting, the new blocks (pallets ftw!) and the addition of two lights to the previous amount of 2, thus having 4 lights at my disposal. 3. I simply couldn't literally remake it, because we no longer have Forgeworld and I had to adapt to the natural environment of Erosion. (Which was by far most suitable in my opinion.) The same goes for the looks of some of the blocks in Halo 4 that would no longer fit in a mine map because they don't look woody or rocky enough anymore. 4. Halo 4's Flood mode also plays differently than Reach's Infection. I had to adapt the map to fit with the gametype. In this map I brought back several of the key things that were present in Lone Souls in a Lost Mine. Such as: The L-shaped room The furnace The elevator shaft The elevator itself The minecart Some of the changes that were made in Halo 4 allowed me to make the map scarier than before. These changes include the addition of dynamic lighting, the fact that active camouflage now actually works the way it should, and the removal of health bars and -packs. I was able to combine all of these factors into a new thing that still reminds of its precessor, but also feels like a map of its own with a somewhat different playstyle. It plays best with around 10 to 13 players, but can support up to a full lobby of 16. (It might get laggy though, so that's why about 13, 14 should probably be max.) For all of you that never played Lone Souls in a Lost Mine or never even heard about it: LSIALM was a map situated in an old and abandoned mine (though it turned out not to be that abandoned after all), that mostly focussed on cramped room setups and hallways resulting in frightening battles with the undead with a great deal of cooperation amongst fellow survivors or zombies involved. There's not really much else to say, other than to direct you guys to a couple more screenshots as well as some video reviews of this map! Enjoy and thanks for checking out this map! Screenshots Spoiler Videos Spoiler [video][/video] [video][/video] [video][/video] Surprisingly enough the map took 2nd place in Insanmiac's Best of the Dead contest, even though it was barely finished by the time and still had lots of bugs. [video][/video] Finally, make sure to download the gametype (Shadows and Dust) as well: it will not be as much fun if you don't use it. Download map - Destitute in Chains Download gametype - Shadows and Dust - A special thanks to everyone who helped me test and improve this map. Thank you for helping me if you did! -
Ahhh, I remember when this baby was half built. It has come so far since then and has grown into a true gem! The layout is what makes this map, I still get lost on it myself. It really is one of the scariest maps I have played on H4, love every game. Keep up the amazing work Rem.
This looks fantastic, makes me wish I played more infection. I'll have to keep an eye out for the next announced BIOC lobby and try to make that. You guys seem to pump out some of the most creative things.
I just want to begin with one thing... What a great presentation! This just deserves more attention! Well, you know how I think about LSIALM. I loved it, and I am so very glad you have brought it back. I had epic times playing on LSIALM (Especially the last lobby I played in Reach, that was so amazing, had a rampage just in the furnace room, and there was some epic teamwork.) and the first test lobby on DinC already gave me a very good impression. The fear.. Is really one of the key things of the both, and you have done it again, but it is even scarier this time! Teamwork is also one of the key things of both maps, and when the mics are on, everyone just wants to work together, you don't want to get lost. My favorite place in both maps is the furnace room for sure.. Some epic holdout's and solo last stands have found place there. You have really just done it again, but even better.. I can't compliment you enough on that. I hope to get a good lobby on this quick, but school is a bother... I hope that will be over soon, the hard period. But great job REMkings, I knew you would get it into Halo 4, and I knew I would already like it. Hope you enjoyed my "essay" of the map. This is nothing though, could say so many things about this map.. But you see, I don't have any negatives. Of course
Thanks guys! Yeah, even more than in Lone Souls in a Lost Mine, I tried to make this map as scary as possible. I'm also very glad to hear people still get lost in this map because that's exactly what I tried to do with the design. Something I recently learned is that in Halo 4, unlike in Halo Reach, you don't get aim assist when shooting at invisible opponents, including cloaked Flood. This makes it pretty hard to headshot zombies in this map, something I already found out when playing on this map and made me pretty happy due to the extra addition of difficulty on top of the better cloaked zombies. Headshots are enabled though, so if you get the chance, definitely make sure to put a clean hole in that zombie's stinking face.
sorry for the slight bump but I just saw this map and could not resist telling you, Rem how great this looks! you captured all the things I loved about LSIALM and even added some new things! with the new pieces and dynamic lighting this map looks true and scary as hell. I can't wait to get a game on here during my spring break(starting today).
Thanks Waterfall! I really tried to bring back the old favorites whilst also creating a new map with a new environment, where it's easier to get lost and harder to spot zombies. You should definitely try it, it's a freaking scary map if I may say so myself. PS: Don't be bothered about the bump. There are not many Flood maps on the forums and the whole map section doesn't get as much attention as it used to anyway.
Excuse me for the pretty huge necrobump, but I just had to share this video with you guys. Robius made one of the most detailed features of this map that I've seen.
I know, I shall watch it when I get home. Internet connection for loading videos is bare here, takes ages. While this is do able
Aesthetically this map is amazing!! That white light adds such a creepy effect to the map and the use of the dominion wires were made for this kind of a map which you used to their maximum potential.You have a lot of unique areas that lead to an amazing map. You have my download.
Thank you! The dominion wires are probably my favorite forge object in Halo 4. I know sooo many ways to use them, I love the fact that we finally have a very thin and long object to work around with that can serve so many purposes.
Bump. Here's a very useful video if you want to see gameplay footage of all three of the holdout locations of the map!