Interesting use of Geometry, some of your pieces maybe changed out though. Layout looks solid but I have to get a game on the map first, need to see what kind of gameplay the map offers. The amount of power weapons seems a bit excessive and not needed, like I said before I need a game test. I'll message you later on any feedback I can provide and get some feedback from others. I'll let you know Redemption1272
Thanks! Gameplay wise, in terms of weapon/ weapon spawns will most likely be tweaked. As of yet it has been hard to get games on it due to all my friends don't play halo 4 or are studying for AP's/Finals. If you set up a game send me an invite. My Gamertag is ShamaL1ama. I would be glad to test out this map as well as any you might have as well. Just let me know if you are up for it. I am on Xbox now
I agree. The amount of power weapons on this map is a bit concerning. Maps usually work well with 2 - 3 power weapons. I suggest removing the shotguns.