
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Heroic, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    Hey everyone, this is a new map I'm working on. The map is 2-base symmetrical, with a tower side and an open side. Its design is fairly simple, and my purpose for this map is to create a power position that could encourage a strong setup by the teams. The map is nowhere near finished yet, it's a concept for now, and I'm posting it here mainly so that I get feedback for it, and so people can hopefully help me by playtesting it. From what I've seen so far, I think the gametype the map has the most potential for is CTF, but currently this map supports TS, KoTH and Extraction as well. Please leave some feedback if you check it out, it's my first project that's not a remake(I'm still fairly new to forging) and I'd like to know whether to keep or scrap this. Thank you for your time, and enjoy the screenshots :)
    #1 Heroic, Apr 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  2. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a very nice Sanctuary/Simplex hybrid styled map! Seems a tad small though, especially with sprint and AA's involved. I guess it's far from finished however. Anyway, I'd recommend adding a bit of a structure to the less powerful side to allow for a bit more cover, and possibly more cover on/around the bases themselves. Looks very nice though!
  3. RiseUpAndFight

    RiseUpAndFight Forerunner

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    I don't think size is the problem per se (though the map should be made bigger if it's meant to host a 4v4), I just think the map lacks enough segmentation (cover pieces that are part of map geometry and can't be jumped over) or pathways for more than a few players. Take Lockout for example: it's a very tight, focused map, but the amount of additional rooms and pathways make it playable in 4v4 slayer. Though the map should be bigger (Sanctuary-size would be nice), it'll need some more structure and defined pathways to host a 4v4 match well.

    That aside, it's a really nice map for someone new to Forge (and seems like it would host a 2v2 game comfortably), and it looks like the OP put a good amount of thought into its gameplay. I do have a concern, though, that it might be too easy to spawn trap the opposing team once you get control of top center.

    Keep it up though, OP, this is a pretty good early attempt. I'll give it a download tomorrow and post some thoughts on how it plays.
  4. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can definitely see this map's similarity to Sanctuary.

    I think there should be some sort of structure in the area where there are like 12 rocks. That way, it adds a bit more cover and would also make the rocky area feel less empty.

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