Drag is the most competitive map ever made by a user with a d, g, r, o, a, n, a, c, l, o, and s in their name. This map takes place in Alaska, cause' it's cold in Alaska. I've never made a map thats taken me more time, because frankly, this is the first time I've ever ventured into the forge varient of gameplay on the best game evur, halo 3. Screenshots: Human side. Covenant Side embedding doesnt work for this host, and I can save the pictures to my computer, because of the fact that I dont know how to do that on my new laptop. Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21340239 Map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21340236
Seriously you really got the balance here. Weapon placement and spawns looks completely balanced. Also I think that you really did a good job on the giant building of the dragon.
Wow featured.The spawn placement says NO SPAWN KILLING right there.The weapons are amzingly balanced in great spots.The vehicles placement and use would be very useful and hard to exterminate.5/5 and hopefully you feature it yourself because its obviously amazing.
Someone has to get this game going, because I want to play this right now! Start up a party or something, man.
I'm so happy that everyone likes it! I will make a remake if you guys want, Drag on Coals v2 EQUIPMENT~~!!~~!!
OMG 100000/1 because I wanna kissass you liek omg Like really. I don't care if you're the goddamn staff here, you still have to abide by the rules that have been set to post a map. I'll get around to fixing it for you, but you really should think about that next time. Edit: Here are the pictures that I uploaded to Imageshack. Edit them into your post. Code: [noparse] [IMG]http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/4661/humansidehr9.jpg[/IMG] Human side. [IMG]http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/2418/covenantro5.jpg[/IMG] Covenant Side [/noparse] I'm really surprised that you even did this though. I'm not sure whether or not you're joking, but I really expected better from someone who's been here even longer than me.
y does everyone bash people that cant post pics right on their first try but this admin with 300+ posts cant even do it right and they leave him alone. idk if this is a joke or not. its just twosides with random stuff scattered.
Pics are broken for me, but I guess you understand that that is a problem. The map is probably fun, though.