Hello once again my fellow forgers; Its me TMR Legend here to show you another map that is in the works... Transit. Transit is a 4v4 sized map that is a mix of two things Ive been wanting to make. 1. a mall like area that is also a Depot, and 2. an Urban meets natural enviroment. This map includes a series of LOS ranging from short to long as well as CQC combat. Currently it is only set up for slayer and still hasn't had any play testing. well enough of me talking talking about it heres the pics. Videocoming soon) There she is tell me what ya think...
Nice work man, shelves particularly look good. I'll comment more after I run thru, but it has a presence which says a lot.
MAP UPDATEDue to the quality of positive responses in TCOJ I have decided to go ahead and do a revamp of this maps lighting to make the map look way better WITHOUT THE DYNAMIC LIGHTING IN EFFECT. So now that thats out of the way here is a link to the map in my fileshare. Tell me what y'all think.