I would like to see some weapons get buffed. These are the Suppressor, Pulse Grenade. I'm sure I could say more but these are what's in my head right now. I would also like to see the return of some gametypes such as 1-Flag CTF. That was a very fun gametype. Lastly, I would really like 343 to add a Classic playlist to one of the playlists in matchmaking. Basically, what this is would be a playlist featuring the best remakes of old Halo maps that people have been making in Halo 4 Forge mode. I've seen some really good remakes out there and I would like to play them in a Classic playlist in matchmaking.
>http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...-think-should-next-major-update-halo-4-a.html< Post there^ Im gonna lock this one