Is One Flag CTF (Both teams fight for one flag) possible in Halo 4? If so, how do you set it up in Forge? Have been at it for a long time, with a partner, and can't figure it out. Thank You
that sounds like neutral flag to me to where both teams are equally offense. One flag is one team is defense and one is offense.
Sorry for the confusion. What you said is what I am looking for. Two teams fighting over one flag [br][/br]Edited by merge: I can't believe no one knows the answer to this.
THFE (TheHaloForgeEpidemic) made a tutorial on how to set up 1 flag on YouTube. You should check it out.
If you could get 1 stray person willing to play 'spectator', you could probably set up Neutral Flag CTF by using 3 teams. Have both Red and Blue teams' flags spawn in an unreachable area like THFE shows with their 1 Flag tutorial, and then have the 3rd team's flag spawn wherever you want it to for Red and Blue to fight over. The 1 extra person 'spectating' would join the 3rd team because at least 1 person is necessary to be on a team for it's flag to spawn.
The third team would have to be present for their flag to spawn - who would want to be that third person?. That being said, neutral flag is not supported. One flag is not supported, but it is emulated using the CTF game type, which is a two flag game type.